


On the Kitchen tab, the user can configure the kitchen management engine, select the printer to be used and configure components, items and guest identifiers for kitchen use. 


The configuration options available will vary depending on the Kitchen management engine selected: 

  • Kitchen management engine: QSR

    • QSR Kitchen adapter - Enter IP address


  • Kitchen management engine: Logic Control 


  • Kitchen management engine: Kitchen Printing 

    • Notify other locations of check items

      • Setting to notify other locations of check items 

        • Enable - notify the locations selected (listed in alphabetical order) 

        • Disable - will not notify other locations






Kitchen management engine

Configure Order Entry to integrate with the kitchen display/screens/video software used in many restaurants. Options include QSR, Logic Control or kitchen printing for sites using printing only (no kitchen display).

Presentation mode

Two options:

  • Show only components that were added or removed

    • The ordered item will print/display and will not show any components except those added or removed in the order (default items won't print/display)

  • Show all ordered components

    • The ordered item will print/display and will show all components in the ordered item


Schedule order printer

Select a printer to be used as the order scheduling printer. (Add printer on Sites > Printers tab. See Printers.) 

Show guest identifier in kitchen

When this option is selected and the server has specified a guest identifier on the order:

  • The identifier displays at the top of the order in the kitchen display with a peach background and black text

  • Maximum 15 characters

  • Identifiers are added the first time the order goes to the kitchen; changes to the identifier after the order is sent to the kitchen are not reflected in the kitchen display

Consolidate like items on kitchen outputs
(Not supported for QSR kitchen video)

Like items are ordered items that have:

  • Identical menu item names, memos, and "is take away" (TO GO) set

  • And have the same quantity and type of attached components and placement

  • And the same type of attached serving options on the item and components


  • When Consolidate Like items is enabled, like items are grouped into a single line item on the display output with the total quantity of all like items.

  • By default, results are not sorted. If the items are routed via Internal Kitchen Printing to a printer that has Group by Seat enabled, the results are sorted by the first seat number, then by sent for prep time (typically the same for all items in a specific send).


  • When Consolidate Like items is disabled, all items are expanded so that each line represents a single item. For example, an item ordered with a quantity of three (3) will be output as three (3) items of quantity one each (1).

  • By default, results are sorted by menu item name, then by seat number, then by when the item was sent for prep time (typically the same for all items in a specific send). If the items are routed via Internal Kitchen Printing to a printer that has Group by Seat enabled, the results are sorted by the first seat number, then by menu item name, then by sent for prep time (typically the same for all items in a specific send).

Note: If using Logic Controls, be sure the LS setting Consolidate Order Item is also configured to match the Kitchen setting so they don't conflict.

Add new items to existing check on kitchen output

This setting only applies to sites using Logic Control.
When selected, this option will add any changes/updates to the order in the same cell on the kitchen display. (Previously, changes were captured in a new cell of the video display.) 

Setting selected: Added items appear in same cell

Setting not selected: Added items appear in new cell

Print BIN number prior to prep description 

Select this option to allow the BIN number of the item to be printed on the kitchen preceding the prep description. The BIN number refers to the PLU code of the item. 

Default setting is unselected. 

Print items by course in the kitchen 

Requires feature toggle: Print items by course (staff facing) (Contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled.) 

Pre-requisite: Allow menu item coursing must be enabled (Site > Staff Facing) 


When Print items by course in the kitchen is selected, items that are ordered by course will print to the kitchen printer grouped by course. 



Use external code for order type
(QSR setting only) 

When selected, the external code value of the order type is sent instead of the EnumValue. 

Setting not selected: '0' is sent to QSR for DineIn
Setting selected: '1' is sent to QSR for DineIn



Related articles 

Guest Identifier

Components: Kitchen presentation mode 

Kitchen Display: Consolidate Like Items

Printers (Sites)