Kitchen printing - Items print in order entered


Ordered items are sent to the kitchen and printed in the order in which they were entered into the application. 

(Items are not sorted by menu item category or alphabetically.)

Configuration - ECM 

There is no setting required to print in the order specified; this is the standard default.

If a site has selected to group items by seat number, though, items will be grouped and then printed in the order entered. 

  • Sites > Printers 
  • Setting: Group and sort by seat number
  • If this setting is enabled for the kitchen printer, ordered items will be grouped by seat; within each seat grouping, items will appear in the order entered. 


  • Order items; send order to kitchen (Tap Send Now, Submit Order or Payment)
  • Items will print in the order in which they were entered in the POS


  • Group by seat - If any items were ordered by seat number, the kitchen receipt will group by seat number and, within the seat grouping, in the order entered in the POS 


Printers - archive