Guest Payment - Counter Service

Guest Payment - Counter Service


Two improvements were made to guest payment in NorthStar Order Entry version 4.8.3 to expand credit card and gift card payment options and to improve access to and from the guest payment view. 

Expand credit card and gift card payment options 

Guests can use the guest payment view to pay via gift card or credit when the following devices are configured for the site: 

  • eDynamo

  • iDynamo

  • iDynamo 6

  • PAX S300 (PAX allows credit card payment, but not gift card) 

For information on adding a payment device, see Payment Devices

Access to and from guest payment view 

There are two ways to access guest payment view from the staff payment screen and then return to staff payment: 

  • Option 1: Switch view by flipping the iPad over; screen switches to guest payment. Flip back over to return to staff payment.  

  • Option 2: Tap Guest Payment; screen switches to guest payment. 
    Use 5-finger tap on screen to return to staff payment.  

Switch view by flipping the iPad

From Staff payment view (below), flip the iPad over to face the guest.  

iPad switches to guest payment view to allow guest to pay and add a tip, if desired. (Images intentionally upside down as a result of flipping the iPad from the staff view.) 

Message will notify guest after payment and allow guest to select receipt option.

To return to staff payment, flip iPad back over. 

Tap Guest Payment 

From the staff payment view: tap green Guest Payment button.

Screen switches to guest payment view; guest can enter tip, if desired, and pay. 

Message will notify guest after payment and allow guest to select receipt option.

Use a 5-finger tap (tap on screen with tips of fingers) to return to staff payment.