Components: Kitchen presentation mode
The application can be configured in ECM to show components on the kitchen display and/or the kitchen chit. There are two options for displaying the components (see below):
Show only components that were added and removed
Show all ordered components
This document assumes that the site is configured to use a kitchen display and a kitchen printer.
Site configuration
On the Kitchen tab, select the Kitchen management engine and the Schedule order printer from the dropdown lists.
Select the presentation mode:
Show only components that were added or removed - The ordered item will print/display and will not show any components except those added or removed in the order
Show all ordered components - The ordered item will print/display and will show all components in the the ordered item
Menu item configuration
Select the menu item (an item configured with components) from the Products tab.
On the Edit Menu Item screen, select Print Routing.
Select the site and checkmark the printer and kitchen display; save
Deploy site.
Place order for item configured for either setting specified above; tap Send Now.
The kitchen display and printed kitchen chit will reflect the settings as configured:
Show components added or removed:
If the server has added or removed components, these will be reflected on the kitchen display and chit with a plus or minus sign for the added or removed components.
Show ordered components
If the server has not revised the components, the kitchen display and chit will reflect the item name and the components.
Related articles
Add a Component to a Menu Item