Components - Print components and serving options on checks


At the account level, a concept can be configured to print menu item components and serving options on checks. 


  • In ECM, go to Sites > Concepts 
  • Click the edit icon (pencil) to open the concept page
  • Check Settings: 
    • Print components and serving options on checks 
      • Flag to show the components and serving options for each menu item on the check
      • Unflag to only show priced components and serving options on check
    • Note: Both priced and zero-priced components and serving options will print when this option is flagged 


Order menu items that include components and/or serving options, priced and zero-priced. 

Print components and serving options  - Flag on 

All components and serving options appear in the check panel and on the printed receipt. 

Print components and serving options  - Flag off

All components and serving options do not appear in the check panel and on the printed receipt. 



Components - Add, Edit, Copy

Serving Options

Receipts - General (see "Show combo child items" to show child or qualifiers of combos on receipts)