Components (Menu Item)


Menu items can be configured with components included in the configuration so the menu item can be customized from a selection of component choices.

  • Example: For a Two-Egg Breakfast menu item, the following components might be available: 

    • Breakfast bread choice

    • Breakfast meat

    • Egg Prep

    • Cheese 

Component rules can be set to configure the menu item further, such as requiring a minimum/maximum number of components to be ordered from a component category or establishing a number of free component items. For example, the first 2 toppings on a pizza may have no charge, but every additional topping costs $1.00.


Assign a component to an item

  • To configure components on a menu item in ECM, go to Products > Menu Items.

  • Find the menu item and click the edit (pencil) icon to open the edit window. 

  • Click the Components tab 

  • Selected Component Categories are listed in the display order set in Component Categories

  • Add Component(s) to menu item

    • Click the Available Component Categories drop-down and select a component category. The Components pane will populate with the components in that category. 


    • Components

      • Select the components that will be available to be associated with the item.

      • Select the components that will be default components associated with the item. 

      • Click Save Changes to save or Cancel Changes to discard changes. 

    • Selected Component Categories - The selected component category is shown after changes are saved.

      • Components can be sorted by name by clicking the Name header


    • Rules for components

      • The rules provide a powerful level of configurability for users to apply to menu item components, such as minimums and maximums and free components based on how they're ordered (as in "first 3 toppings are free"); a maximum can be set for any one component (a guest can be barred from adding 20 servings of a component). 

      • Select a component from Selected Component Categories. Set the rules for the selected component category at the right. 





Minimum Required

Minimum number of items from the selected component category that are required to place the order. 
A message will appear on the app if the minimum requirement is not met.

Maximum Allowed

Maximum number of total components from the category that can be ordered. 
A message will appear on the app if the maximum allowed is exceeded. 

Maximum Unique

Maximum number of times an individual component can be ordered, e.g., components from the cheese category can only be ordered once. 

First # components are free

Number of components that can be ordered at no cost before pricing applies. 

Components after # are free

Components after a set quantity will not be charged; all previous components will be charged except those that qualify for first # components are free. 

Default components are free

Any components marked as "Default" will not be charged.

  • In the example below, the rules are configured as follows:

    • Minimum Required - One item from the component category is required 

    • Maximum allowed - Two total items from the entire component category may be added, e.g., two total cheese components can be ordered from the category

    • Maximum Unique - From any individual component (e.g., Cheese 1, Cheese 2, Cheese 3), a maximum of 1 unit of that individual component item may be added

      • A maxmum of one unit of Cheese 1 may be ordered, for example

    • None of the first components are free

    • None of the remaining components are free 

    • Default components are free.

  • Click Update to save rules as configured; click Remove to remove the configured rules. 

  • When component configuration is complete, click Save to save changes and close the screen, Cancel to discard changes or Apply to apply the changes and remain on the screen. 

  • Deploy changes to the site. 


On the POS device: 

  • Order the item

  • The components page for the item will display the components configured for the item. In this example, Cheese 1 and Cheese 2 have been configured for this item. 

  • Per the rules, the user can order a maximum of two cheese components, such as one of Cheese 1 and one of Cheese 2. 

  • The user could opt to order two of Cheese 2, which conforms with both the Maximum Allowed and the Maximum Unique setting of 2 items

  • The ordered components will appear on the check panel below the menu item, slightly indented as shown: 

Related articles

Add a Menu Item

Components - Add, Edit, Copy

Component Pricing