Related Items (Menu Item)


Related menu items can be added to the configuration of a menu item. Related items can be helpful suggestions for adding to a menu item, such as adding fries to a burger order or garlic toast to pasta. 


Related items for a menu item are shown in the first column, Related Items. 

Add a related item to a menu item

  • Go to Products > Menu Items > edit a menu item
  • Click Related Items (tab) 
  • Search Available Related Menu Items 
    • Enter the name of a menu item; click Search
    • Matching records will be shown in Available Related Menu Items

  • Available Related Menu Items
    • Select the items to be added as related items
    • Click Save Changes to save the selection(s) or Cancel Changes to discard
    • If saved, the selected item will be added to Selected Related Menu Items 

Delete a related item from a menu item

  • Click Delete.
  • Click OK on the confirmation message.
  • The related item will be deleted from the menu item and will no longer apply. 

Save, Cancel, Apply

To save the work on the Related Items tab, click Apply to save and remain on the page, or click Save to save and close the page. Click Cancel to close the page without saving


On the NorthStar application, related items will be available when an item is ordered, making it easy to order related items. 

Staff-facing mode

  • Order a menu item 
  • Tap the information icon
  • On the flyout menu, tap Related Items

  • The pop-up window will show the items related to the ordered item

  • Tap a related item 
  • On the pop-up, tap Order to order the related item 

  • The related item is added to the order 

Guest-facing mode

  • Order a menu item 
  • Note the related items shown

  • Tap a related item
  • On the pop-up, tap Order to order the related item 

Edit a Menu Item

Media (Menu Item)