Reporting Type by Account Access

Reporting Type by Account Access

For a regular ECM user, different roles have different permissions for what they can access. In this Example for NCL (Norwegian Cruise Line) the Accounting Role did not have access to the “Item by Sales Area” Report in ECM.

  1. To check this first, find the Role Accounting and check permissions.

  • Log onto ECM

    • In the header next to /Dashboard type in /role

    • Now you can see the roles associated with this Company

  • Click on Edit button for Accounting

  • Notice that there are no options for Report Access. Here in the area is blank

  • This is not a current feature for this Company. To make this a feature, the permission for this must be selected.

2. Now to set the permission for Roles in ECM

When logging into ECM with an Admin login, there are various tabs at the top of the page.

  • Click on Customer Accounts

  • Then search for the company. Here we are searching for NCL

  • Now click the Edit button for the correct company you wish to give access to

  • Under the Features tab (labeled 1) Search for the feature you want. Here we are looking for features that have to do with a Role. Ctrl + F lets you search. Type in Role and you will see that this feature is not selected. Hence why it was not showing in the step above. Select the box under Active (labeled 2) and hit Save. (labeled 3)

  • Now that this is now a feature for this customer, go back into Roles as described above.

3. Hit the Edit button for the specific role in question. In this example, we are dealing with Accounting.

  • Now tab for Report access is available.

  • Click on Report access and find the reports that are missing that are requested. In this example, missing was “Items by Sales Area” Report. Click the box for access and hit save.

  • Now this role, Accounting, is able to view this report.


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