Edit a component - Print Routing
Print Routing is an optional feature that administrators can enable for their concept. It allows users to route components to a designated printer or printers. Each component can go to one or more prep station printers.
For example, a salad would go to the salad printer, but if grilled chicken is a component of the salad, then the component might be designated to go to the grill. If chicken tenders are added instead, that component might be designated to go to the fry station.
The print routing tab appears when the feature toggle Component Print Routing is set to Active in ECM. (Contact your implementation manager to allow this setting.)
When print routing has been enabled, an ECM administrator can select the prep station printers for a component to be routed to for preparation.
In ECM, go to Products > Components
Select component
Click Print Routing tab
Select the prep station printers for each site to route the components to for preparation
Save to save and exit
Cancel to lose changes and exit,
Apply to save changes and remain on the page
When items with components are ordered, the components print to the printer locations designated in component print routing.
Example 1:
A menu item has two components, Cheese 1 and Sauce 1
Cheese 1 has no print routing configured
Sauce 1 is configured to print to Prep 3
The menu item and components print at the kitchen printer (Prep 1 in this case)
Sauce 1 also prints at Prep 3
Example 2:
A menu item has two components, Cheese 1 and Sauce 1
Cheese 1 is configured to print to Prep 1
Sauce 1 is configured to print to Prep 3
The menu item and components print at the kitchen printer (Prep 1 in this case)
Cheese 1 also prints separately at Prep 1
Note at bottom advises Sauce 1 printed at Prep 3
Sauce 1 also prints separately at Prep 3
Note at bottom advises Cheese 1 printed at Prep 1
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