Receipts - General


Receipt text and functionality is configured on Edit Site > Receipts:

  • Configure the information to be printed on the guest receipt: marketing messages, suggested gratuity and other customizations.
  • Guest receipts can be printed or sent to the guest's email. 
  • Email receipts may be enabled or disabled on this page.   
  • Two additional tabs:
    • Localization - Allows marketing messages and the cardholder payment agreement to be configured in another language
    • Codes - Settings to configure the type(s) of code information (bar code, QR code, survey code) to be printed on a receipt and where code is to be printed 


The following may be modified to fit the company's preferences:

Marketing Message 1, 2, 3, 4Messages that will be printed on the receipt
Footer Messages
  • Receipt Footer - Site message to appear at the bottom of all receipts
  • Gift Card Receipt Footer - Message on receipt for gift card utilization
Credit Card Messages
  • Card Holder Pay Agreement - Credit card text that appears on all guest receipts
  • Enable Receipt
    • Yes = allow option to email receipt
    • No = do not allow option to email receipt 
  • Email Receipt Subject - Text for the subject line of the email receipt (if Yes is selected) 
Suggested Gratuity
  • Display message on receipt - Enter a message that will show above the suggested gratuities.
  • Suggestions - One to three gratuities that are suggested to the guest on the guest receipt or at the payment screen.
Other Customizations
Consolidate Like Items Together*  
  • Yes = All "like" items ordered will be grouped together into a single item with the total quantity ordered (This reduces the length of the receipt.)  See screenshots below.
  • No = Each item will be displayed/printed separately 
Show combo child items*

Setting provides option to list the child items in a combo on the receipt

  • Yes = Default; child items in a combo will be listed on the receipt
  • No = Child items in a combo will not be listed on the receipt 
Print Guest Address on Receipt 
  • Yes = Print guest address on receipt 
  • No = Do not print guest address on receipt 
Show adjustments 
  • by item - Adjustments print on the final receipt by item
  • summarized by adjustment type - Adjustments are grouped together by type and printed on the final receipt below the subtotal 
Print button name on receipt*

Setting allows the button name configured for menu items to print on the receipt

  • Global-level name is printed if a button exists on the global level but not on the site level
  • Site-level name is printed if a button name exists on both the global level and the site level 


Print loyalty rewards on receipt If guest is part of the loyalty program, this setting allows the guest's loyalty rewards (special offers, points, etc.) to be printed on the receipt
Label PrinterSelect printer to be used for printing receipts as labels.
  • Order Type must be Takeout.
  • Menu items must be set to print to label printer. 

Print Guest Identifier on receipt

Setting allows for the Guest Identifier to print at the top of the guest receipt or not.

Example setting selected:

Example setting unselected:

*These settings require an account feature toggle to be set in order for them to appear on the Receipts page. Please contact your NorthStar representative to have a setting enabled for your account. 

  • Consolidate Like Items Together - Feature toggle 4.1 Guest Receipt Consolidate Items
  • Show combo child items - Feature toggle: Hide combo child items on receipt 
  • Print button name on receipt - Feature toggle: 4.7 Print menu item button name on receipt 


Setting: Suggested Gratuity

The setting allows the user to set the text and the quantity percentages for the suggested gratuity to be displayed on the receipt. Example shown below.

Setting: Consolidate Like Items Together

When "Yes" is selected, like items are grouped together on the receipt, reducing the length of the receipt and saving receipt paper supply cost.


Guests ordered 1 bev, then 3 more, as shown separately in the check panel and on the check search results page: 


On the receipt, the like items (beverage) are combined into one item with quantity shown instead of displayed separately: 

Setting: Show combo child items 

If No is selected, combo menu item is one line; if Yes is selected, combo menu item is shown with child items listed below. 

Setting: Show Adjustments 

Adjustments by item - When the setting to show adjustments by item is selected, adjustments are displayed separately for each item on the receipt (shown as Comp 2 for the first and second items below). 

Adjustments summarized by adjustment type - When this option is selected, adjustments are summarized and grouped together in one line item (shown as Comps ($13.75) below). 

Setting: Print loyalty rewards on receipt 

When selected, a rewards summary is printed on the receipt. 

Receipts - Localization

Suggested Gratuity

Guest Facing (Sites)

Guest Identifier

Gratuities and Surcharges