Add an Area

Add an Area


A site can add areas that specifically suit their concept and physical location. Areas can include dining rooms, counter service, patio, bar, delivery - any area the site needs for operation. 


  • On the Edit Site page, click Areas, then click Add Area


  • This opens the Add - Area page. 


Optional feature: Mask loyalty member information 

If the account feature toggle Mask loyalty member info by area (app/receipt) is enabled for the account, the Area page will also show the setting: 
Mask loyalty member info by area (app/receipt)








Area name


Area description 

External Code

Default (used for third-party integrations) 

Kitchen Display Mode

Select to print either the check number or the table number on the kitchen receipt

Kitchen Destination Display Mode

Select to print either the area name or the order type on the kitchen receipt 

MSR Default Behavior 

Select the default behavior for the magnetic swipe reader for all locations within the area (the reader can be used for login, card inquiry and/or payment)

  • Swipe - Allows a card to be swiped through the MSR

  • RFID - Allows RFID payment cards to be tapped on a payment device (e.g., UniPay)

General Settings

Verify age

Require age verification in this area for items that have been flagged to require age verification 

Note: Age verification chit will not print if the Service Display Management Engine is set to Disabled on the site's Service Display setting. 

Prompt for guest identifier before ordering 

When guest identifier is required, select to launch the guest identifier prompt at the start of an order (after server attaches to a location) instead of at the end of the ordering process. 

  • If number in party is required, prompt appears after entering number in party. 

  • If no default order type is defined (Dine In, Take Out, etc.), prompt appears after selecting order type for location. 

Guest identifier required


Account feature toggle required*

Guest Identifier

Optional feature. Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled for your account.


Require a guest identifier to be entered on checks (Guest identifier may be entered at any time or user will be prompted when Send Now, Submit Order or Payment is tapped)

Use guest identifier speed screens

Make guest identifier speed screens available in the area. (Example: Show in drive-thru area but not at table service areas.)

Use icons for guest identifier selection

Select to display pre-configured color selections and vehicle icons on the guest identifier speed screen for this area. 
Test example: 

Prompt for number in party before ordering

Require staff to enter number in party.

Enable seat number


Account feature toggle required*

4.0 G1c Seat Numbers

Optional feature.  Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled for your account. 


Allows seat number to be entered for each item ordered

Enable Seat Number must be selected on both:

  • Site Info page

  • Area page

These settings allow, but do not require, seat numbers to be entered for each item ordered. 

Note: Individual menu items can be set to require a seat number. Path: Products > Menu Items > General tab. 


Item required from selected category per guest 



Account feature toggle required*

Menu Item(s) Category to Print check 

Optional feature. Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled for your account. 


This setting requires that at least one item must be ordered from the specified category per guest per check. This enhances quality of guest service by ensuring, for example, that a drink per guest has been entered or that napkins and utensils are added to to-go orders. If items are not ordered from the specified category per guest, a warning message is shown, the check will not print and the user cannot proceed to payment. 

To specify required category/categories, select Item required from selected category per guest to display the selection drop-down list. Click the field Select Menu Item Category(s) then select one or more categories. 

(OE-3922 - feature in progress)

Use enhanced search 




This setting enhances Check Search when used with alternate locations on a POS device. When Use Enhanced Search is selected, Check Search allows the user to sort and access open checks by location by clicking a location icon. 

Allow quantity orders of combo qualifiers




Allows combo menu items to be ordered in quantity, e.g., 10 orders of Combo #1. On the combo customization screen, the order-taker enters quantities for each qualifier in the combo until the total quantity is reached. (Quantity indicators are shown on the app as the qualifiers are selected.)  

Enable text messaging (Staff UI only)




With this setting selected, the site can enter a cellphone number on the guest identifier window. When the guest's order is ready for pick-up, a text message is sent to the number. 

NOTE: This feature requires the Bematech Kitchen Display system at the site with an account with Twilio for SMS text messaging service. 

Show location numbers in check search after session is finalized



With this setting selected (default), location numbers will appear for finalized checks in check search.

When selection is cleared, location numbers for finalized checks will not appear in check search.

Send to kitchen when finalized



This feature is only for counter service operations.

When selected, the order will not be sent to the kitchen until the order taker taps Finalize on the check.

Orders can be parked (not sent to the kitchen) by tapping Done (which replaces Submit on this feature). Unsent order items will show the red bar indicator. (Sent items show a green bar.) 

(App Release 4.7  OE-12129, OE-12210)

Finalize when sent to kitchen

This feature only applies to orders sent in through our web API.
When an order is sent to the kitchen, it will automatically be finalized if it has a payment attached.

Finalize check(s) automatically when paid in full

Select to finalize checks when paid in full. Also applies to orders with more than one check (e.g., split checks). When all checks are paid in full, the order is automatically finalized. 

This feature is currently available on the NorthStar Windows platform only. (Not yet available for iOS.)  

Drive-thru: Send to kitchen on submit 

For Drive-thru locations only. Select to send ordered items to the kitchen when order is submitted. (User taps Submit Order.) 
After the order is sent to the kitchen, the order session is parked and the location is cleared to accept new orders. 

(If not selected, items are sent to the kitchen as they are ordered.)

Show payment buttons on order screen




Select this option to show pre-set quick-pay payment buttons on the ordering screen for speedy payment type access. This allows fast-food restaurant types to bypass the payment screen and process payment workflow from the ordering screen. 

Setting is by area; site can configure areas to use this feature as needed. 

Print membership info on kitchen chit



This setting enables the site to determine the member information to be printed on the kitchen chit. When selected, all options are selected by default and can be unselected as needed. 


  • Member name

  • Member phone

  • Member address

This setting is by area, allowing the site to customize whether membership info is printed to the kitchen for certain areas but not others.

Mask loyalty member info by area (app/receipt)


This setting appears when the optional feature is enabled. When the setting is selected, the following information is masked on the guest receipt, kitchen chit and application screens and will only show: 

  • Last name: First initial of last name 

  • Email address: First 4 characters followed by asterisks

  • Address: First 4 characters followed by asterisks

  • City: First 4 characters followed by asterisks

  • State: Asterisks only

  • ZIP code: Asterisks only 

  • Card number: Asterisks before the last 4 numbers 

(Phone number is not masked.)

Receipt sample:

Payment Settings


Pre auth

When selected, the admin can specify locations in the area to require pre-payment authorization before ordering. 
If CC Pre-auth is selected for example, the app will display a CC Pre-Auth pop-up before the order can be submitted to the kitchen. 

Location setting:

App pop-up: 

Prompt for CC pre-authorization to start a tab 



This setting allows the site to use the enhanced Start Tab feature. This feature launches a CC Pre-Auth pop-up window immediately after the user clicks Start Tab on the Location Manager screen. The payment device is enabled and the user can start the guest's tab quickly. 

Override site payment signature setting 



This setting allows the user flexibility to print or not print credit card receipts and whether to require signature on paper or onscreen.

When selected, an option "Signature required" is presented with Yes/No options.
If Yes is selected, the signature type dropdown allows user to select a signature type, either Chit or Screen

Prompt for tip on external device

Pre-requisite: Set Tipping enabled to Yes on the Site > Payment tab.

When selected for an area, the external payment device (PAX) will prompt for tip. Depending on the device setup, it will either prompt with suggested gratuities first or ask the user to enter a tip amount. 


Enable text-to-pay payment (requires NS Pay) 


When used with NS Pay, this setting allows the user to enter a guest phone number and send a text message with the NS Pay link to the guest. A link to Send text to pay is on the Rewards and Guest Identifier pop-up screens. A text-to-pay icon is available on the Payment screen. 



Icons can be selected to represent each area. Click the drop-down arrow to select an icon from the list. There are a number of location icons and delivery service icons to choose from. 




  • Click Save to save changes; click Cancel to clear changes and close the page


*Account feature toggle must be enabled by a CBS admin for this optional feature. Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled for your account.  

Related articles 

Verify Age

Guest Identifier

Seat Number

Vertical keypad - Seat number and Quantity

Training video

Area settings: Guest Identifier prompts and speed screens































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