Breaks (Time Clock)

Breaks (Time Clock)


Requires account feature toggle: Enable Site Time Clock Breaks
This feature requires an account feature toggle to be set in order for this option to display
. Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.

Rest and meal break settings are configured on the Breaks tab. Settings include duration of break, alerts and warnings, and whether the break is paid or unpaid. 


Item Description
Warning (non-intrusive)

Amount of time prior to break for warning message to display on user's and supervisor's devices

  • User: Warning will appear as an orange bar with break name and time at the top of the user's POS device (non-intrusive)

  • Supervisor: Warning will appear as orange bar with the number of notifications to be acknowledged by the supervisor
  • The Break Notifications page is shown when the supervisor logs in. 

  • Break Notifications can also be accessed by tapping the user name and tapping Break Notifications from the dropdown 

Break name

Enter the name to describe each break 



Length of break time

Note: When user clocks out for break, they cannot clock back in early; end break button is disabled until break duration is met.

Interval (time from clock in to break time)

Interval is the amount of time that has elapsed from the clock-in time to scheduled break time. 

  • Paid break interval is 2 hours. User clocks in at 10 a.m. Paid break is at 12 p.m. 
  • Unpaid break interval is 4 hours. User clocks in at 10 a.m. Unpaid break is at 2 p.m. 

The interval time is applied as follows: 

  • Clock out for paid break (i.e., rest break) 
    • The interval time for the next paid break is based on the time the user clocks in from a paid break
      • Based on the example, if the user clocks back in from break at 10:10 a.m., their next paid break is 2 hours later at 2:10 p.m. 
    • The interval time for their unpaid break is not affected; the interval time from initial clock-in is still honored.
      • In the example, their unpaid break remains at 2 p.m. 
  • Clock out for unpaid break (i.e., meal break)
    • The interval time for the next paid break is based on the time the user clocks in from an unpaid break
      • Based on the example, if the user clocks back in from an unpaid break at 2:10 p.m., their next paid break is 2 hours later at 4:10 p.m.
      • The next scheduled time for a meal break is 6:10 p.m.

Additionally, when a user clocks out of their job, this resets the time for the active breaks, whether they are paid or unpaid breaks.

Alert (intrusive)

Amount of time prior to break for alert message to display on the user's device (iPad)

  • User: Alert will appear as a pop-up on the user's device (intrusive)
    • Ignore - Tap to dismiss the alert message; user can continue to work
    • Time Clock - Tap to go to the Time Clock to clock out for break


Select to make the break an unpaid break; if not selected, the break is a paid break. 

  • Paid breaks are usually short rest breaks and may be required to be taken on the premises
  • Unpaid breaks are usually longer meal breaks and are usually not required to be taken on the premises
Active Check to make the break active for the site
  • Save - Save changes and close Edit Site window
  • Cancel - Cancel changes and close Edit Site window
  • Apply - Apply changes and remain on open Edit Site window 

Time Clock

Break Permissions (Time Clock)

Time Report