Employee Breaks - Reports

Employee Breaks - Reports

There are two reports with information on employee breaks, Time Report and Break Notifications. 

Time Report

The Time Report shows users' time records per day, including clock-in and clock-out times, break times and number of hours worked. A variety of options lets the user configure information as needed (clocked-in users, by name, paid/unpaid breaks, violations, etc.).


Time report - all users, no breaks

Time report with Show breaks selected. Violations (late/missing breaks) are shown in red. Can filter by paid or unpaid breaks and break violations. 

Time Report by key code

Time Report violations - Violations (missing breaks, late breaks, etc.) are shown in red text.

Break Notifications Report

The Break Notifications report can be run for a selected date or date range.

Options include showing all break notifications or just Paid or Unpaid. It can also be run for a selected employee or key code. The report includes the breaks that were acknowledged and by whom.

  •   Unpaid breaks selected