4.6 App and Server

4.6 App and Server

Release date: January 6, 2019

New Feature

  • [OE-7383] - Require declared tips to be equal to or greater than their cc tips

  • [OE-9556] - Tip share calculation: Exclude specified sales category

  • [OE-9897] - Order entry server must honor component print routing configuration.

  • [OE-10185] - Credit Card Terminal as a Customer Display

  • [OE-10714] - Server Teams

  • [OE-10715] - Labor Schedule Time Clock Grace Periods / Enforcement - Hot Schedules

  • [OE-10716] - Local Printing of Remote Items to a Specific Printer

  • [OE-10717] - Upcharges on Prevailing Price combos

  • [OE-10718] - Reporting Categories 

  • [OE-11245] - Add Card Terminal Swipe to add loyalty to a transaction


  • [OE-9479] - Ordering - Multi-select feature UI: remove gray shading; tone down the amber color

  • [OE-10054] - [DataMart] Add AdjustmentReason.ExternalCode column to DataMart ItemSaleAdjustment table

  • [OE-10567] - The current text of 'Cash Owed - Tip Share' is confusing to clients

  • [OE-11002] - ECM API - Fix confusing API response

  • [OE-11037] - Team with no members can be assigned a location

  • [OE-11041] - Server who is not on team x can be assigned to a location already owned by team x

  • [OE-11051] - Alert message should be displayed when deleting a team with an open transaction

  • [OE-11110] - Ability to see and navigate required components, serving options, seat number, and serving options of a component without defaults

  • [OE-11133] - Add Net Sales to Category Sales section of the DSR.

  • [OE-11177] - Teams should be arranged in ascending order

  • [OE-11186] - Split item keypad overlay points to Payment instead of the ordered item

  • [OE-11248] - Allow user to use multi-select on items that have been sent already (APP ONLY)

  • [OE-11443] - Replace signalR with direct calls to OrderEntry API in the restaurant for all non-menu data-related operations

  • [OE-11589] - Add support to Reporting Service for No Charged Tips in Cash Owed.

  • [OE-12080] -  [WOAPI] Move site/transactions request to WCF

  • [OE-11956] - [WOAPI] Add a new endpoint to retrieve modified checks

  • [OE-11941] - Kitchen chit: When "consolidate like items" is enabled and like items are ordered for different seat numbers, the seat numbers should be aligned on the chit 

  • [OE-11857] - Adjust Suggested gratuity in Guest UI based on new calculations


  • [OE-7762] - Adjustment report (summarized/detailed): Discount and Refund Adj amounts are incorrect when a refund is applied to a discounted item

  • [OE-8863] - Timeclock: User gets "must log in with Mag card" message when job is changed after clock-in

  • [OE-9057] - [Translation] View ID 10312 "Please indicate your name." in ECM is not translated in the app

  • [OE-9323] - Payment error messages: Tap credit card = No live cards message; tap gift card (slipstream) = No connection message

  • [OE-9549] - When Area Access is not flagged, job still has access to the area (worked previously)

  • [OE-9615] - Checks - discount check, split check, delete discount from an item = Null error

  • [OE-9854] - Time Clock: Server is able to adjust/add punches while on break; has multiple jobs (one has permission to change time record; one has no permission)

  • [OE-9958] - Multiple shift cash out combines payments for all shifts after the user's first cash out

  • [OE-10061] - ECM: Menu item > Components - rules for max allowed and max unique are not honored

  • [OE-10188] - Payment: Error message display on adding new tip or additional tip through Add tip button

  • [OE-10191] - Guest Facing: Tap Place My Order when there are no items to send kicks user off ordering screen and displays alert message on screensaver

  • [OE-10335] - Gift card payment: Balance removed from Slipstream gift card but payment was not applied to check in Order Entry; error in Payment Service log

  • [OE-10372] - Seat number required: Seat number entered on vertical keypad does not automatically populate seat number field on customization screen (combos) or on seat number pop-up (seat number required)

  • [OE-10373] - Time Card: When a time record is swiped to delete, the X icon appears overlapping the dollar icon

  • [OE-10401] - Reports: Thick Client doesn't match app's business date

  • [OE-10513] - Payroll Report: 2-week period ending displays only the last week report

  • [OE-10599] - [WOAPI] Need to block the ability to set the check close date from WOAPI

  • [OE-10734] - OLO blocked on payment posting

  • [OE-10833] - Reports: Payments Report does not load on iPad when you run a two weeks period on DSR (worked previously)

  • [OE-10869] - General Refund: Unable to refund a combo; displays Invalid Data

  • [OE-10907] - Combo - Adjustments: Voiding a combo BEFORE submission displays "check is invalid or null" error

  • [OE-10908] - [NorthStar.OrderEntry] Web Ordering API start fails in 4.4

  • [OE-10937] - Mercury gift cards: Receiving error message applying payment to a gift card sale (preventing sales of gift cards)

  • [OE-11033] - Meal Break: App crashes when taking paid and unpaid break (4.6 app)

  • [OE-11053] - Error "Print Failed - The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason" is displayed when printing server teams

  • [OE-11067] - Team Sales Summary report: Incorrect sales and tip distribution to new members after they are added to a team

  • [OE-11068] - Prorated tips should be equal to tip totals on teams sales summary

  • [OE-11082] - Team Sales Summary report: Incorrect sales and tip distribution when a team member has been removed

  • [OE-11093] - Team that has no sessions should not displayed or reports

  • [OE-11095] - Kitchen Printing: Like components of a menu item are not consolidated on the kitchen chit; "Consolidate like items" setting is not honored (worked previously)

  • [OE-11097] - Kitchen Printing: Components printed on print routing does not follow the default spacing; spacing between components is wider than default

  • [OE-11098] - HotSchedules: Employees are not syncing into HotSchedules

  • [OE-11103] - Cannot override schedule using mag card when clocking out late minutes

  • [OE-11119] - Alert message is displayed when an item with tax exempt is moved to another check

  • [OE-11154] - Grace period is added to the amount of time on the "cannot clock out after" alert message

  • [OE-11155] - Gops.PaymentProcessor.MercuryDSI.exe is crashes when the device connects to Vx805

  • [OE-11169] - Component categroy rules not being honored in app 5150

  • [OE-11172] - SERVER TEAMS BROKE version 5015

  • [OE-11173] - Cancel saves changes on Team Assignment (Location Manager)

  • [OE-11176] - Simultaneously deleting teams with no team member displays error message

  • [OE-11178] - Server/bartender is not part of team but able to access the location which is already assigned to a team

  • [OE-11187] - Team Sales Summary - A huge gap is displayed when searching for a member of a team

  • [OE-11188] - Team Sales Summary - The total of all team sales should be emphasized

  • [OE-11189] - Chase processor: Log and guest receipt shows different reference number for a voided payment before finalize

  • [OE-11191] - DSR filtered by Server Teams does not print.

  • [OE-11196] - DSR - Include the team number when filtered by teams on Daily Sales Report on app

  • [OE-11200] - DSR: Area/location filter is not working; displays previous record (worked previously)

  • [OE-11205] - Spinning wheel won't stop when manager permission to override labor schedule has been disabled in ECM then swipe mag card

  • [OE-11211] - Server Time Card Shows Two Week Pay Period Instead of One

  • [OE-11212] - Creation of Teams Does Not Automatically Push To All iPads

  • [OE-11240] - Payroll Report - Disprepancy on Total Hrs if the server doesn't have job rate (1-week period vs 2-week period)

  • [OE-11242] - Location Manager > Checks - When tapped, the Checks pop-up should not display Paid, Unpaid and Parked tabs

  • [OE-11262] - Hourly Sales and Labor report displays label as "Total Sales" instead of "Total Net Sales"

  • [OE-11275] - Staff UI - Ordering menu item with 2 or 4 placement causes the app to crash

  • [OE-11316] - Component pricing (App) - The default component price does not change when a different component in the same category as the default component is ordered

  • [OE-11317] - Able to log in to iPad without mag card when mag card is required.

  • [OE-11319] - Component pricing (App) - Three decimal places occurs to component's price when added a serving option with a percentage multiplier

  • [OE-11394] - Cashout is blank after a tip adjustment 

  • [OE-11453] - Inactive components flagged as available for menu items print on kitchen chits

  • [OE-11472] - Guest-facing: App crashes when the component category with no active unavailable components is tapped; component category should not be displayed in both Staff and Guest-facing view

  • [OE-11492] - Staff UI Payment Screen: Gift card balance chit is printed when gift card is swiped on magtek device for payment

  • [OE-11559] - Cashout/DSR: Gross Sales For Tip Share Calc and Net Sales For Tip Share Calc are printed instead of Gross Sales and Net Sales (worked previously)

  • [OE-11561] - [WOAPI] Open checks request fails if a check does not have order items.

  • [OE-11569] - Rewards: After going back to Rewards screen, the app is stuck in loading; loyalty card swiped on a PAX device

  • [OE-11575] - MPPG: Payment gateway error is encountered on general refund for EMV transactions

  • [OE-11622] - Declare Tips: Negative amount is not accepted after tip amount entry

  • [OE-11666] - Time Clock Adjustments: Time adjustment numpad is not properly aligned (worked previously)

  • [OE-11669] - Time Card Adjustments: Application crash when tapping user's time record tip adjustment (worked previously)

  • [OE-11671] - 2 iPads Sync: Second iPad detaches from the location every time the first iPad taps Send Now (vice versa)

  • [OE-11675] - Meal Break: App should prioritize unpaid break over paid break if both breaks overlap (worked previously)

  • [OE-11713] - [WOAPI] Remove the requirement for payment on submit order.

  • [OE-11724] - Payroll report: Search payroll keyboard doesn't dismiss when Print is tapped; list of printers is incomplete

  • [OE-11737] - [WOAPI] Apply gratuity does not set the gratuity name causing the session to get thrown into the poison queue.

  • [OE-11739] - [WOAPI] Submit alternate payment option does not apply the payment correctly.

  • [OE-11740] - [WOAPI] Remove the PickupTime requirement for a delivery order.

  • [OE-11743] - [WOAPI] Alternate Payments Options not deploying to site.

  • [OE-11756] - Some users are not automatically clocked out at the end of the payroll day while others are

  • [OE-11792] - Guest-facing: App crashes when the component category with no active unavailable components is tapped; component category should not be displayed in both Staff and Guest-facing view

  • [OE-11826] - Table Service: Menu Categories are missing when favorites are selected


  • [OE-9342] - Create Offers Integration Standard


  • [OE-9109] - 3rd-party Offers Integration


  • [OE-10612] - QA - OE-10054

  • [OE-10762] - Server - Ability to create and delete a team

  • [OE-10763] - Server - Ability to assign/un-assign users to a team

  • [OE-10764] - Server - Ability to assign a team to one or more locations

  • [OE-10765] - Server - Ability to un-assign a team from a location.

  • [OE-10766] - Server - Ability to cashout a user who is part of a team

  • [OE-10767] - Server - EOD clears all teams

  • [OE-10768] - Server - Update Session Objects for Teams

  • [OE-10769] - Server - Add JsonTeamData.txt container for Team Structure

  • [OE-10770] - App - Server Team Report

  • [OE-10771] - App - Ability to manage teams, add/remove users. create/delete teams.

  • [OE-10772] - App - Ability to assign teams to locations, remove teams, etc.

  • [OE-10773] - Server - Add server team report (team recap)

  • [OE-10811] - Server - Provide a method for app to GetTeams

  • [OE-10950] - Expose upcharge .sdf data in the Cache.

  • [OE-10952] - Svr Consume schedule from publish, save into json and cache.

  • [OE-10953] - Svr Enforce schedule, update timeclock

  • [OE-10954] - App allows a manager to override the schedule.

  • [OE-10955] - App will display reporting categories instead of sales category data in DSR

  • [OE-10956] - Svr will display reporting categories instead of sales categories on printed cashouts.

  • [OE-10957] - Job properties (Grace periods) in .sdf (cache and expose)

  • [OE-10997] - Add Job Permission : User can override labor schedule

  • [OE-11020] - Server - Printing Server team report (team recap)

  • [OE-11034] - Missing Session when Adding pending Payment

  • [OE-11088] - App: Display alert message when assigning a location to a team that has no members / team users

  • [OE-11092] - App: Display break violations under Paid and Unpaid tabs

  • [OE-11134] - Add Net column to Category sales section of the on-screen DSR.

  • [OE-11135] - Add Net column to Category sales section of printed DSR.

  • [OE-11183] - Add support for Voiding Pre-Authorized Credit Cards for PAX Transactions.

  • [OE-11261] - APP - Implement logic based on socket message from team update

  • [OE-11273] - OE Server: Add Alternate location configuration to GetConfiguration web service

  • [OE-11451] - Replace signalR with direct calls to OrderEntry API in the restaurant for Open Checks and Closed Checks calls

  • [OE-11458] - Time Clock Service: Clock out causes the server to return all the user jobs

  • [OE-11464] - Enhance Tip Declaration to support new Tip Declaration Rule.

  • [OE-11467] - Add New Properties to Punch Object, CharegedTip, TipShare, MinimumTipDeclaration

  • [OE-11468] - OE Server - Prompt user to cash out before clocking out

  • [OE-11469] - App - Prompt user to cash out first before clocking out

  • [OE-11471] - Honor permission "User can adjust declared tip"

  • [OE-11491] - Add socket message during adjustment

  • [OE-11520] - Provide method for app to save team assignments for multiple locations in one call.

  • [OE-11697] - All taxes display with their configured display name

  • [OE-11750] - Server-Build NugetPackage with Memo applied in OrderAdjustment

  • [OE-11820] - App: Add SearchFilter and SortOptions when sending a Team Sales Summary print request to OE Server

Release report


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