2.2 Order Entry for iPad

2.2 Order Entry for iPad

Release Date: 4-15-2014

Please log into JIRA to view the issue details.


  • [OE-517] - Pending cash payment amount is updated if more items are added to the check.


  • [OE-798] - Drive Thru order takers can build and submit an order and a new order is started automatically.

  • [OE-799] - Drive Thru payment taker pick unpaid orders from the top of the unpaid order list, takes payment, then pick another order to pay.

  • [OE-801] - Drive Thru food distributors touch the checks button and sees paid orders, select the top order, touch the finalize button and paid checks are displayed to select from.

  • [OE-802] - On the fly ordering - Each order item is added to the check and sent to the kitchen as a new order item is added to the order.

  • [OE-805] - Drive Thru food distributors can park a check. They finalize a parked check from the check search at a later time.

  • [OE-806] - Drive Thru order takers can only sell menu items which have been marked "Available for Take Away".