2.5 Order Entry for iPad
Please log into JIRA to view the issue details:
[OE-728] - Guest cannot place a pre-order while in kiosk mode
[OE-1630] - Combo Adjustment Exclusions are not being honored
[OE-1631] - Combo Site Exclusions are not being honored
[OE-1679] - Combo Adjustment Exclusions Configuration is showing factory adjustments which were created when adding a combo menu item.
[OE-1784] - Multiple Tax Strategy processes order items with tax exemptions
[OE-1788] - Support legacy order items with flat tax/tax owed/tax forgiven
[OE-1881] - Site Taxes are not saving to old ui when multiple taxes feature is disabled.
[OE-1889] - printing all checks with 4 or more checks causes app to lock up
[OE-1943] - Multiple tax incorrectly calculating split combo item
[OE-2031] - add/remove adjustment responses do not contain multi-tax objects
[OE-2051] - App Locks Up after clock in - close.
[OE-2057] - Add cross period display not updating
[OE-1961] - Artists / Albums have the wrong artwork
[OE-1993] - Now Playing does not update correctly
[OE-1994] - Recent Tracks do not update correctly
[OE-1998] - Album Art not displayed on Next 4 Requests
[OE-2004] - GetTopRequestedTracks returning incorrect result
[OE-2007] - Album Art not displayed in Browse-Artists
[OE-2009] - Add Jukebox Button & Animation to Guest UI Menu Screen and Convenience Center
[OE-2015] - GetQueuedTracks missing AlbumImage
[OE-2016] - Disable jukebox button when no location is attached
[OE-2019] - API sends incorrect value for MenuItemType when purchasing track
[OE-2044] - Status bar style incorrect in Jukebox
[OE-2045] - Jukebox crashes when browsing from albums/artists/tracks quickly
[OE-1799] - Favorites not visible from staff UI
[OE-2025] - tax exempt doesn't update taxes correctly for multiple tax feature
[OE-1039] - As an order taker I want to be able to modify an order prior to finalize
[OE-1453] - Data Services reports multiple tax rates.
[OE-1529] - Warn user of auto logoff when 5 seconds are left.
[OE-1542] - Implement ECM setting for auto-logoff time
[OE-1543] - Implement refactored tax engine
[OE-1626] - Implement Multipe Taxes strategy
[OE-1692] - The Tax Rates maintain a static sort in all related UIs
[OE-1695] - Add scrolling to MenuItem's tax eligibility table
[OE-1696] - Remove sorting/filtering from MenuItem's tax eligibility list
[OE-1697] - Move "taxed for takeout" next to the tax eligibility table
[OE-1698] - ECM Menu Item taxes - remove flitering from taxes grid and move taxed for takeout under grid
[OE-1712] - Need to add a informational text next to Default Tax Type to indicate to the user what it is and what it is for
[OE-1787] - Include caching to MultipleTaxStrategy
[OE-1854] - Tax always calculates at the child order item level.
[OE-1953] - Ungrouping Quantity Items work flow does not work well
[OE-1973] - Merge Franchise Admin to Develop
[OE-2060] - Remove combo discounted price tax fix that made it match rolled up price tax
[OE-2066] - Restaurant Magic is request we popluate Overtime Rate in DataServer
[OE-2074] - Modify print failover to log more. Disable notifications for queue failover
[OE-1783] - Guest can browse albums and tracks
[OE-1871] - Jukebox continues playing even when internet connection fails
[OE-2022] - Guest UI: Order item inconsistencies when purchasing song
[OE-2029] - Remove Jukebox from guest UI when credit card is needed to continue
[OE-2037] - Deploy Jukebox menu item even if it's not on a menu
New Features
[OE-1401] - Multiple Tax Rates - Ability to configure system can charge multiple taxes per item
[OE-1248] - Jukebox - Sell music and play it in the restaurant
[OE-1236] - Auto Logoff - System will automatically log staff off the system.