NorthStar 4.9.3 Release Notes

NorthStar 4.9.3 Release Notes

Release Date: October 3, 2023

Consolidated Server, iOS, and Windows.

1. New Features (Server/iOS)

Advanced Customer Display

Checks - Areas

NorthStar Concur

  • NorthStar Concur facilitates the transport of transaction data to NorthStar cloud services and incorporates acknowledgements and retries to confirm data integrity.


Advanced Customer Display (ACD/AGD)

  • Payment balance on both ACD/AGD and staff screen correctly sync.

Location Manager

  • Additional protection code added to prevent layout maps from reverting to default (blank) screens.

  • Location Manager displays changes before publish.


  • Processing time improved after payment finalization.

MagTek Payment Devices

  • MagTek devices (eDynamo/iDynamo) now accept NFC pay anytime when card is tapped, dipped, or swiped at anytime during the order process. (Blue indicator on ACD/AGD) Using Insert/Tap Anytime on MagTek Card Reader


  • Added green check mark and green font when payment is captured and accepted. (A red X will display if payment has failed)



  • Clean Screen feature is now disabled when Wisely is enabled for a site.

Windows App

The following new features and improvements have been made exclusively for the NorthStar Order Entry application for Windows.


Windows App Improvements

Gift Cards and Loyalty

  • Hardware support added for MSR on Posiflex terminals.

Location Manager

  • After login, app defaults to location list and displays open checks - Needs ECM configuration setting to be selected first.


  • User can create layouts without initial creation from iPad.

Menu Items

  • Menu items now automatically add to check when component requirements are met without need to click on “Add to order”.

  • Selecting a serving option with a price multiplier updates and displays price increase for menu item.

Staff Facing

  • User can modify menu items.

  • Option to hide/show components on staff facing ordering menu screen available.

  • Check listing updates syncs with other terminals and will update on the fly when checks are submitted.

2. Fixes



  • “A balance still exists” no longer displays on properly paid and calculated checks.

  • Checks no longer lock when tapping the “Use External Reader Button”.

  • Negative balance error message no longer displays when discounts are applied to checks.

Credit Card

  • Fallback credit card Transaction error no longer displays when initial payment attempts fail.


  • $0 checks correctly send to Paytronix.

Staff Facing

  • “Automatically send advance orders to the kitchen” setting is now properly honored.

Web Order API

  • Unique OrderItemID generated when new checks are submitted.

  • Advanced Orders send to kitchen at scheduled time.

  • Endpoint improvements for active checks.


Advanced Customer Display

  • Error message “Payment failed. Transaction terminated.” no longer displays when swiping a card for payment or tapping the gift card button.

  • Calculated totals display in parity for both the staff facing total vs. the ACD total.

  • “Continue” button on ACD no longer gets disabled when applying split payments to a check.

  • “Payment failed. Invalid Check” error no longer occurs when applying payment and finalizing check.


  • The app no longer crashes during boot up when attaining configuration information. A retry button has been added.


  • Applying a refund no longer arbitrarily crashes the app.

  • Two or more discounts can now be applied to a check without issue.


  • Barcode reading is now supported for iOS 16+

Menu Items

  • User can modify multiple items on already sent items.


  • Add tip screen no longer immediately displays while a transaction is still in process.

  • Split payments no longer cause a check locked error.

  • Tapping the Guest Payment no longer fails with the iDynamo6.

  • Able to access multiple checks in one a session when utilizing Guest Payment in Counter Service.

  • CC PAX payments correctly apply to checks and are no longer removed. Only adjusted transactions remove payments from the check.


  • Bluetooth scanner now able to scan in guest-facing mode.


  • Editing inputted menu items then tapping enabling multi-select no longer results in having to tap payment twice to access the payment screen.

  • Able to properly add and save locations to a new layout from a previously deleted layout.

  • User can add locations to Location Manager screen instead of it displaying a blank screen.


  • The loading wheel no longer flickers on the payment screen.

  • Minor UI issues fixed for newer model iPads.


Windows Application


  • Voiding combos is now is parity with iOS.

  • Move Money button allows for open adjustment of payment on a check that is equal to or less than the paid total.

  • Manager swipe on adjustment screen to be able to apply selected adjusted.

Cash Drawer

  • No Sale button opens cash drawer.

Customer Display(s)

  • Texas Digital System displays reopened check information.

Menu Items

  • Auto Combos now available.

Staff Facing

  • User can swipe mag card to log into system.


  • Tax exempted alternate payments are calculated as such.

  • Able to swipe a gift card on any payment screen to apply payment

  • Swipe and dip of credit cards available on any payment screen.


  • Checks, payments, time cards, etc. now properly print on configured USB printers.



3. Release reports

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