Using Insert/Tap Anytime on MagTek Card Reader

Using Insert/Tap Anytime on MagTek Card Reader

As of NorthStar Order Entry 4.9.3, the POS will allow for "Insert Anytime" or tap of credit card on the MagTek eDynamo and iDynamo reader, through swipe, insert and NFC. This enhancement will speed up the check payment process, as the customer can insert/tap the credit card and it will be captured during the ordering process and before the cashier selects Payment. This enhancement is ready for NorthStar 4.9.3 without changing any feature options or settings within ECM.


  • After the first item is added on the orders, the customer's credit card can be inserted or *tapped on the MagTek card reader.
    • It should be noted their is a max timeout of 4 minutes and 25 seconds, between card capture during order process and the payment being applied. Once the timeout has been reached the app will automatically reset the request, a downtime of less than 2 seconds.
    • *Tap or 'NFC' is only available on certain MagtTek models
  • When the card is read by the MagTek card reader an indicator will appear next to the order total showing it was successfully captured with a green checkmark or a red X if not captured (like a tap where the card was removed too quickly).
    • ACD screens were also updated to show card status. 
  • Once the cashier has tapped Payment the NFC icon will also have have a green checkmark indicating the card data was captured and is ready to be applied.

These videos below show the payment process on both staff facing Ordering screen and the customer facing display (ACD), when a card is being Inserted Anytime or Tapped:

Staff Facing Ordering screen:

ACD screen:

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