NorthStar 4.9.4 Release Notes

NorthStar 4.9.4 Release Notes

Release Date: August 28, 2024

Consolidated Server, iOS, and Windows.

1. New Features (Server/iOS)


  • Users are able to cash out by device on iOS app. - Cash Out



  • Date/Time added to registry when backup server becomes primary to help determine which is the real primary in case a conflict occurs. - Backup Server Failover



  • Thanx provider added to integrations tab. https://cbsnorthstar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRODUCTTEAM/pages/3063185409


  • OpenTable

    • Allows users to Reserve tables on the OpenTable platform and send the reservations to Northstar.

Server/iOS Improvements

Advanced Orders


Combos - Combo Orders

  • New background endpoints added for combos.

  • Able to modify combos after combo has been sent to the kitchen.

  • Ability to move combo qualifiers from one combo to another.

  • Area setting allows for user to create combos on the fly.


Bar Codes/Label Printing

  • Label Printing options available in bar code printing section. - Receipts - Codes



Dispatch Dashboard


  • Able to apply deposit regardless of amount on check. - Deposit Keypad


Drive-Thru Checks

  • Drive-Thru check search will refresh every 5 seconds so that checks have the most recent changes done if any. - Drive Thru Order Workflow

Failover (System Backup)


Magensa (Offline Transaction)

When enabled, this setting processes all Magensa/MagTek transactions offline until it is disabled. There is inherent risk in taking transactions offline, as they may be declined by the processor if the card is over the limit, deactivated, damaged, or fraudulent.


  • Updated NorthStar logo for both iOS and Windows applications.


Survey Codes

PAX batching

  • For PAX, iOS Order Entry screen will display a message on logon, if there are any unsent batches/SAF (SAF = Offline payments) information for an attached PAX device with count and amount. Both Staff and Management will see the alert on the device until Management “Accept” the message. Management can “Accept” and the message will not appear again for the day for that device. Staff will only have the option to Cancel and the message will re-appear until accepted by management. This message is device specific, so other terminals with different PAX devices attached will prompt accordingly until Accepted. - https://cbsnorthstar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ORDERENTRY/pages/132349992

    • Manager:

    • Staff will see a similar message, but with 'Cancel' option, and the message will re-appear on logon until Accepted for the day.

    • If the PAX device was offline or powered off during the batch process and Order Entry couldn't connect, a message will stating so:

  • If no issues connecting to the PAX device and the batch(es) were successful with no active or SAF/Offline transactions than there will be no message. 

Employee Magnetic Cards (PAX)

  • User can tap card icon on login screen to use PAX devices as the mag card reader for employee and management cards.


  • Credit Card transactions that are processed offline will display with a yellow highlight and display “Offline: Pending” to inform user of credit card connectivity at time of payment.





  • Background improvements for online orders sent to QSR kitchen screens.

Windows App Features

Cash Out


  • Combo first allows modification of qualifiers.


  • Can now apply multiple seat numbers to a menu item when modifying.


  • Able to clock into system when system has no internet connection.

Windows App Improvements


  • Default qualifiers for the combo display as selected when a combo is inputted.

Deploys / Publish

  • Seamless deploys applied to app without app acknowledgement.

Location Manager

  • “Default to location kepad on login” flag selected under Layout tab allows user to log in and immediately access location list.


  • WinApp logs last longer than 2 days.


  • Parity in DSR reporting between iOS and WIndows App.

Menu Button

  • Added support for button label on menu items.

Payment Device

  • eDynamo acknowledges card swipes for card inquiry.

  • Windows app screen will display a message if there are unsent batches/SAF (SAF = Offline payments) information on the attached PAX device, both for Staff and Manager. Manager can “Accept” and the message will not appear again for the day for that device. Staff will only have the option to Cancel and the message will re-appear until accepted by management. This message is device specific, so other terminals with different PAX devices attached will prompt accordingly until Accepted.


  • App allows the forcing of offline transaction for Magensa processor.


  • Can modify seat number after item has been sent to the kitchen.


  • Quantities have been increased to more than 2 digits.

2. Fixes



  • "Allow discount to be applied multiple times to a single item" flag now functions correctly.

  • WOAPI orders no longer calculate tax for items adjustment is not applied to. (Check_Over_Payment issue)

  • Ordering Menu screen no longer disappears during a General Refund attempt.

Advanced Orders

  • Scheduled advanced orders correctly load in Advanced Order check search.


  • Background protections to keep app stable throughout the business day.

  • "The Web Service response to AdminService/json/.ReleaseLocation-Lock was empty" error message no longer displays after pressing Home button on iPad.


  • Payments in the middle of authorizing a payment no longer locks the check/application.

  • “Check ID is null“ error message no longer displays when modifying an item.

  • Splitting or adding checks by seat number no longer displays incorrect/inconsistent numbering.

  • “Session Ended” error message no longer displays when adding items to check.


  • Error message “The selected items do not generate a valid combo. Please check your selection“ no longer displays when creating an auto combo.

  • Re-ordered combos become auto combos without no “Nullable object” error message displaying.

  • Ungrouped auto combos display correct separate prices for menu items.

  • Autocombo no longer charges component price twice after modification.

  • Reopened check after modifying an ordered autocombo allows user to close the check once completed.

  • Autocombo correctly combines when quantities are utilized.


  • Coupons no longer apply limitlessly.


  • Modified items no longer duplicate on KDS screens.

NorthStar Services

  • Remote services starts after installation.


  • Cashier user ordering an autocombo and then tapping the Payment button no longer crashes the app.

  • Tapping the Cash button no longer displays the cash screen twice.

  • Payment screen no longer freezes when modifying the refund amount.

Payment Devices

  • Able to swipe and manually enter gift cards on PAX A35.

  • CC transactions on via TSYS TransIT are now properly approved instead of displaying a fatal exception error message.

  • “The object message has been disposed” error message no longer displays when payment is authorized on iDynamo device.

  • Utilizing external credit card device no longer generates "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason" error message.

  • Guest Payment will process new transaction after initial payment attempt failure.

  • Tapping enabled payment buttons $5, $10, or $20 payment button on screen displays that cash amount to be received.

  • Reopening a check to attempt to apply a refund no longer just auto finalizes the check.


  • Certification revised.

  • Subtotal calculation correctly sums prices of menuItem and discountItem.

  • Corrects several discount calculation issues.


  • Windows app configured for OCB no longer attempts to launch ACD app instead.


  • Added item(s) to a check with autocombo-on-the-fly no longer immediately prints directly to the kitchen unless submit/send or payment button is tapped.


  • Receipt prints emails with credit card payment and tip amount, if applicable.

  • Emailed receipts display credit card details when payment utilizes EMV on eDynamo.


  • Remedied object reference error when applying change to managed tips.


  • Done button no longer warps.


Windows Application


  • Applying discount twice (if item permitted) no longer displays error message.

  • Adjusting tip amounts no longer crashes the app.

  • Refunding credit card payments semds tip amount to server.

Bar Codes

  • QR codes no longer have blurry print outs.


  • Offline cred card paid check displays the yellow highlight when reopened.


  • Editing combo qualifiers no longer displays error message and correctly displays in set order.

  • Paying for an autocombo no longer trigger the Build Combo.

  • Able to take payments for autocombo.

  • Correct combo name displays in the check panel after submitting to the kitchen.

  • After ungrouping, modifying or voiding autocombos correctly recreates the combo.


  • App no longer crashes when attempting to apply a coupon.


  • Quantity keyboard under Workflow tab correctly honored.


  • Edit checks permission is now consistently honored.

  • Finalize/Wipe and Swipe permission honored.

Menus / Menu Items

  • Windows app correctly displays all menu items and components from menu in Ordering Menu.

  • Day Parts set past 12am no longer causes the menu to blink repeatedly.

  • Long names for items no longer compresses the menus.

  • Modifying quantity of component correctly displays proper quantity number.

  • Entering in components into set placements correctly saves their position for the placement.

  • Component layer pricing properly honored.

  • Components display listing are properly followed in app.

  • Modified components with serving options are reflected on the order screen check panel.

  • Serving options display prices set from ECM.

  • Parity in pricing with iOS when ordering menu items.

  • Reactivated item in ECM displays in Windows App.

  • Menu item time activation date is honored.

  • Min Req Serving Options Category rules honored.

  • Menu Items marked with pricing overrdies display a red tag.

  • Area Day Part menus correctly honored.

  • Navigating to components options no longer displays seat number options.


  • Advanced orders pops up customer information page.

Payment / Payment Devices

  • User can input deposit with no error message displaying.

  • Voiding alternate payment no longer disables applying a new payment.

  • Credit Card expiration date displays in correct format MM/YY.

  • Background datacap fixes.

  • Magensa reader able to read swipes in card inquiry.

  • Payment screen displays credit card payment option and no longer disappears.


  • Gift Card cash out screen displays remaiuning balance when gift card is swiped on PAX S300.


  • App correctly prints to set USB printer.

  • "Show only components added or removed" setting honored.

  • QR Codes print clearly.

  • Spinning wheels no longer displays when print or print selections are clicked.

Staff Facing

  • Name, Seat Number, and Quantity no longer overlap on Ordering Menu screen.

  • Setting “Required Seat Number” correctly prompts for seat number.

  • “Allow user to apply updates to the System” setting correctly honored.

  • Key Code clears immedately after user logs into system and taps OK.

  • App no longer prompts number in party twice.

  • Start Tab functions no longer displays error messages.

  • Multi-select correctly functions on Windows App.

  • Editing item no longer disables Seat Number option.

  • Able to edit Order Type.

  • My Checks screen displays current user checks when refreshed.

  • Age Verification correctly honored on app.

  • Navigating to open checks in location list displays open checks.


  • No longer loops when attempting to clock in.

  • User is no longer auto clocked out when accessing the location map or user menu.


  • 4x3 scaled Windows App no longer moves to the left when adding an item.

  • Button text visible in light theme.




3. Release reports

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