NorthStar 4.9.2 Release Notes

NorthStar 4.9.2 Release Notes

Release Date: February 28, 2023

Consolidated Server, iOS, and Windows.

1. New Features & Improvements

Feature Area


Documentation Reference

TimeForge Integration

TimeForge is a completely separate timeclock/payroll solution that can be used instead of NorthStar TimeClock.

  • When using TimeForge an integrated clock in/out interface will display on the iOS.

  • TimeForge reports and records are accessible in NorthStar reporting.

ECM Setup

  • Edit site.

  • Navigate to Timeclock tab.

  • Enable TimeForge in Timeclock Manager under Timeclock tab.

  • Attain acccess token from TimeForge team. (Implementation Team)

  • Validate access token.

  • Deploy to site.

iOS App - Clock In/Out

  • TimeForge app overlay will replace clock in screen after keypad login.

  • Select Job/Position and tap Clock in


  • At end of shift, access the time clock again to clock out.

  • Add notes if needed and tap Clock out.


Table management solution. ​

  • A host at a restaurant will interact with Wisely to seat the guest. We will then receive this information to add the customer and how many guest to the table (location). ​

  • We also will be sending sales history back to Wisely for CRM type analysis

ECM Setup

  • Enable Wisely Feature for the account:

  • Edit Site > Tap on Table tab

  • Complete the information per the site's Wisely configuraiton 

  • Click Test API credentials to validate information is correct. (Submits request to Wisely API to validate token credentials are valid. ) 


  • Table Documentation:



New Payment solution and hardware for Credit Card

ECM Setup

Peripherals | Payment Device


Added the ability to configure and implement surcharges. Includes changes to ECM and reporting.

ECM Setup

iOS Operations

QR Codes on Receipts

Enables the ability to print different QR codes on a receipt when different criteria is met.

  1. Payment

    1. Prints before a check is paid in full.

    2. Example: I want a specific QR Code to print for the user to pay from

  2. Without Loyalty

    1. If the check is paid, and a loyalty member is not attached.

    2. Example: I want a QR Code to print for the person to sign up for loyalty.

  3. With Loyalty

    1. If the check is paid for, and a loyalty member is attached.

    2. Example: I want a QR Code to print that takes me to a survey


Receipts - Codes

Configurable Suggested Gratuities - Guest Facing

Able to suggest tips on the guest facing screen and configure computation.

ECM Setup



  • Can now ungroup combos before they have been sent to the kitchen.

  • Allow link to menu item type to be used in combos.

Add a Combo Menu Item

Credit Card PreAuth (PAX-FDMS)

Tokenize was implemented for Credit Card PreAuth,, when the processor is FDMS and a PAX device is used. This will improve the handling of credit card transactions that started from PreAuth, when adding sales, tips, voids and refunds. To use this the FDMS account and PAX device must be configured for “TransArmor” with a 4-character code.

No configuration change is needed for Order Entry. FDMS Account and PAX device should be configured for TransArmor.

Send on Exit

This allows orders to be submitted to the kitchen if the menu items are not highlighted or forgotten. This will trigger when pressing Go To, Log Out, Submit, Send Now, Print All Checks, Payment Screen, Screen Saver activates, Send Now from blue "i", and Checks buttons. 

This is set up under the staff facing section - https://cbsnorthstar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ORDERENTRY/pages/807731239.


  • Notify user when battery level of an eDynamo is less then 20%.

  • Notify user when battery level of an iPad is less than 20%.


iDynamo 6


A reconnect button (Reboot) has been added to the Order Entry iOS App to manually disconnect and connect to iDynamo 6.

  • Open Order Entry iOS App.

  • Navigate to Cashier Menu.

  • Tap Edit Settings.

  • Tap action button on bottom-left.

  • Tap Test Card Reader.

  • Tap Reboot to reconnect the iDynamo.


Changes for Scale certification

  • # has been removed from the application and receipts

  • An error will show when weighing items if the scale has not been set to '0' in between items.

Scales Hardware Setup

Scales ECM Setup

Select Drawer for Paidout

User now has the ability to choose a cash drawer to designate for paid out/in.

  • Navigate to Cashier Menu on iOS App.

  • Tap Paid Out/In.

  • Validate if it is a Paid Out or Paid In.

  • Input amount.

  • Add Memo

  • Tap cash drawer to apply to.

  • Tap reason.

  • Tap Submit.



MagTek Connectivity - iOS

Functional with iDynamo6+ and eDynamo bluetooth devices only. Anything below will not be compatible with this 4.9.2 feature.

MagTek Connectivity and functionality

  • Improvements to Magtek stability to always be checking if a magtek is connected and reconnect if we found that it disconnected.

  • Implement ‘Quick chip’ which allows for faster reading of cards inserted/tapped

  • Added a magtek button to the bottom right of the keypad screen that indicates if the magtek device is connected.

    • Green means device is connected.

    • Red means device is disconnected.

    • Magtek button can be tapped to try to manually connect or restart the connection to the device.

  • Added a reboot button on the test card reader to reboot iDynamo6 devices.


Change Business Date storage

We have used Redis to store the current business date. Redis can sometimes fail causing issues with end of day. We have removed the use of Redis and now store the business date with the way all other data is stored in the local database.

Internal software change.

Logic Controls

  • Component routing now works with logic controls.

  • When a menu item is expediated on the application, we will now send a ‘Rush’ order type to logic controls.

Internal software and UI change.


  • New local services that manage any order created through our web ordering API.

  • Allows for a more reliable connection to our web ordering APIs.

Internal software change.

Windows App

The following new features and improvements have been made to the NorthStar Order Entry application on Windows.

Feature Area


Documentation Reference

Feature Area


Documentation Reference

Surcharges (Parity with iOS)

Added the ability to configure and implement surcharges. Includes changes to ECM and reporting.

ECM Setup

iOS Operations


2. Fixes


Advanced Customer Display

  • Disabling device in ECM assigned as ACD will stop


  • Adjustments applied to combos only apply to the main combo item and price, and no longer ungroups the combo.

  • Refunded and finalized check no longer returns it to the adjustment screen.

Cash Drawer

  • User assigned to second cash drawer no longer opens first cash drawer when tapping “No Sale” on application.

  • Status of compulsory cash drawer correctly displays when tapping “Test Compulsory Cash Drawer”.


  • Ownership of check(s) properly changes to the designated user, even if parked.

  • Able to finalize checks without error message of balance still existing displaying.

  • Can finalize an adjusment refund for payment deposit on a voided advanced order check.

Gift Cards

  • Check panel displays green after reloading a gift card and tapping Send Now.

  • “Use Payment Terminal” button no longer displays if not configured for the device when purchasing a gift card.

  • Synergy expiration date corrected to proper format of YYMM.

Logic Controls

  • Correct quantities sent to KDS screens when adding orders.

  • Adjusted orders correctly displays PAID on KDS screens.

  • Adding same menu item with different components no longer causes duplicate items to display.

  • Total quantity updates when same items are added after initial send.

  • Voiding an item no longer removes all items of the same type on check.

  • Paid/Unpaid order status updates properly on logic controls screen.

  • Send to kitchen on finalize setting is honored in counter service mode. (Server)


  • Guest badge syncs and displays on iPad application accessing the same location and check.


  • Signature chit prints information once on merchant and customer copy.

  • Memo no longer prints for each and every item for DoorDash checks.

Pax Device / Synergy (Flyght)

  • Gift Cards ran as Credit Cards through PAX device will no longer cause the IOS app to crash.

    • Also added additional protection around expirations date formats.

  • VX805 communication no longer conflicts with WOAPI port.

  • PAX Initialiaze request displays A01 response.

  • Transaction error no longer displays on re-swiped credit card.


  • Unique ItemNumber sent through WOAPI is consistent throughout check.

  • Unpaid items do not send Tender value when sent to the kitchen.

  • Drive Through mode - course number no longer increases if the items are from the same check.

  • Table Service mode - items no longer sporadically send twice to QSR.

  • When paying a check we send the update to the QSR screen and send the Tender amount for paid items.


  • Tip Share data no longer duplicates on NorthStar Reporting Client (Thick client)

Staff Facing

  • “Automatically send advance orders to the kitchen” setting is now properly honored.


  • Error message no longer displays when multiple items are ordered and eligible taxes are applied to them. (Reg)


  • Changing taxes on the web admin page will take immediate effect instead of restarting Order Entry services.



  • Able to void ungrouped items from initial combo.

  • Comp can be applied to order before being sent to kitchen.

  • Correct balance displays after voiding a refunded payment. (Reg)


  • Scanning a coupon no longer crashes the app or applies it to non-eligible items on check. (Reg) (TT)

  • Always apply to all eligible items on a check when coupon is scanned' setting is now correctly honored with no error message. (Reg) (TT)

  • Able to apply coupon to multiple checks.

Gift Cards and Loyalty

  • Applying Cheetah rewards to an item within a set quantity no longer applies it to all items within the quantity.

Guest Facing and Kiosk

  • ECM option of “Guest-facing: Use checkbox modifications” no longer causes the UI to overlap.


  • No more excessive calls to reporting services when completing drawer assignments or functions.

  • DSR displays correct adjustment amount and no longer adds Unfinished Total amount if discounted menu items are ungrouped in ordering screen. (Reg)

  • iOS Cashout Charged Tips report matches ECM.

  • AMEX payments no longer display as “X” in the ECM DSR.

Logic Controls

  • Send to kitchen on finalize setting is honored in counter service mode.

Menu Items

  • Combos print correct prices for items instead of $0.

  • Combo First acknowledges the correct number of qualifiers to be ordered. (Reg)


  • No longer able to remove items after payment in kiosk mode.

  • Consecutive payment failures no longer cause issues with the check and lead to a Payment Error message. (Reg)


  • Print all checks button no longer creates duplicate combos with pre-chosen qualifier menu items.

Staff Facing

  • Add check screen no longer advances to payment screen when adding an unsent item to a newly added check.

  • Able to split combos into multiple checks.

  • Guest Identifier no longer displays if it is disabled.

  • Drive-Thru Order check screen displays after finalizing credit card and gift card payments.

  • Able to ungroup autocombo.

  • Ordering menu check total consistently matches check total displayed on ACD screen.

  • Entering a number into the Location Manager connects you to the proper inputted location number.

  • App no longer crashes when detaching from a location. (Reg)

  • Quantity of ordered item no longer changes when sent to kitchen. (Reg)

  • Location with existing check before midnight no longer creates a separate check when adding additional items after midnight. (Reg) (Flyght)

  • Moving the number in party prompt before tapping ok no longer causes an infinite loading wheel.


  • The scanner no longer displays an infinite spinning wheel when utilized.

  • Scanned gift card barcode no longer display an invalid coupon error message.

Windows Application

Gift Cards and Loyalty

  • Digital Wallet code is cleared when payments fail.


3. Release reports


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