PLU/Barcode Search


A menu item can be found and ordered by entering or scanning the PLU code of the menu item.

  • Create a menu item with the PLU/Barcode Entry menu item type to appear on the application's ordering screen.

  • Tap the button for the PLU/barcode entry, then manually enter the PLU number or scan the code to order the menu item. 


Account feature toggle required

4.5 PLU/Barcode search 

Contact your NorthStar representative to enable this feature for your account. 

Create the PLU/Barcode menu item

Path: Products > Menu Items

  • Click Add Menu Item 

  • Select the PLU/Barcode Entry menu item type from the drop-down list on Creating a menu item pop-up.

  • Complete the information for the PLU/Barcode menu item. Save. 


  • Tap PLU menu item button on the Ordering menu.

  • Enter PLU/Barcode number or scan to add item to check panel. (In this example, PLU 1234 is the PLU number for the "Item 2, no mods" menu item.)

  • Tap Go to add the search item to the check. The PLU/Barcode Entry window is still displayed.

  • Tap Done to add the searched item to the check. The PLU/Barcode window Entry is dismissed.

  • Tap Close to dismiss the PLU/Barcode Entry window. 

Menu item entered/scanned must be: 

  • Active

  • Included in an active menu item category

  • On an active day part menu

If PLU/Barcode number has multiple matches:

  • System will choose the item whose category is displayed first.

  • If items are in the same category, the item chosen will be the one that is displayed first in the menu.

• PLU/Barcode menu item should not be available for ordering on guest UI locations (kiosk and guest-facing)