Adjust tip on a reopened check


A tip can be adjusted on a check that is reopened on the current business day. (Tip adjustments can only be applied to payments that have not been batched and sent to the payment processor, which typically occurs at the end of the business day.)

  • Current business day: The current business day is determined by the System Daily Close Time set on the Store Hours tab in Site configuration. If the close time is set to 3 a.m., for example, the current business day may include parts of two calendar days.

  • A tip cannot be adjusted on a check that is reopened on the next business day. At this time, the payments have been batched and sent to the processor and can no longer be adjusted. 

Note: For sites that use a PAX payment terminal, the POS terminal (iPad) and any PAX device must be paired before adjusting a tip. 


To adjust a tip on a check from the current business day: 

  • Tap Check Search (Location Menu) 

  • Locate check on which the tip will be adjusted 

  • Tap Reopen Check 

  • Tap Payment to go to the Payment screen

  • Tap the blue icon  to launch the Adjust Tip numeric keypad 

    • Don't use the large Add Tip button on the main screen; you want to adjust the existing tip paid by card payment. 

  • Enter the adjusted tip on the Adjust Tip keypad 

  • Tap Finalize

    • The tip adjustment is applied to the check and will be processed when the payments are batched and sent to the processor.

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