Time Clock - Declare, add or adjust tips

Time Clock - Declare, add or adjust tips


  • Declare tips: Tips can be declared when the user clocks out on the time clock.  

  • Add/adjust tips: Tip adjustments can also be added or adjusted through the Adjustments function on the Time Clock. 

    • In ECM, a user's job must have permission to change the time punched in or out. 

Declare tips

  • From the Location Manager, tap the user's name, then Time Clock 

  • On the Time Clock screen, tap Clock Out; the Declare Tips numerical keypad will display 

  • Enter the amount of tips to be declared

  • Tap Confirm 

  • Clock out is complete 

Declare tips
Declare tips

Add or adjust a tip record

  • Tap Adjustments to display a time card containing all users, sorted alphabetically by name. 

  • Tap a name from the time card to select or search by name in the search field 

  • On the user's time card, tap the ($) sign to add or adjust a record

  • Enter a value using the numerical keypad 

  • Tap Confirm

Declared tips print on the employee's time slip (example from a previous clock-out)

Negative tip adjustment (v4.3) 

When one server is closing the check for multiple checks for a large party, the amount of tip can be adjusted so that the tips can be spread more evenly by using a negative tip adjustment.

  • Tap a name from the time card to select or search by name in the search field 

  • On the user's time card, tap the ($) sign to add or adjust a record

  • Enter a value using the numerical keypad 

  • To change the amount to a negative, tap (+/-) Tip Adjust

  • To change the amount back to a positive, just tap (+/-) Tip Adjust again

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