Hourly Sales & Labor *BETA

The Hourly Sales and Labor report shows net sales and labor dollars accrued per hour by day for a span of seven days. (Report cannot exceed seven days.) Sales are reported after the items are sent to the kitchen. 

  • Business Start and End dates

    • Default to Start of Business Week configured in ECM > Sites > Store Hours

    • Edit dates as needed 

  • Hours column

    • First hour listed is determined by System Daily Close Time configured in ECM > Sites > Store Hours (reporting starts one minute after) 


Site(s), Group(s) and Business Date

  • Select site(s) and group(s) if applicable

  • Accept default business date range or revise as needed (enter dates or use date selector tool)

  • Click Refresh Report to run



Lists 24 hours, starting with system daily close time 


Net Sales 

Net Sales accrued within hour (column can be filtered)


Labor $

Labor dollars accrued within hour (column can be filtered) 


Export Report 

Save file in Excel, PDF or CSV format

(Sales amount does not include orders that have not been sent to the kitchen by the app's scheduler, such as advance orders, online orders, etc. For comparison, the Daily Sales Report shows all sales sent and not sent to the kitchen.)