Hourly Reporting Categories


The Hourly Reporting Categories report shows gross sales on reporting categories by hour and by site. (Voids and refunds are not deducted from gross sales.)

  • Required: Reporting categories must be configured for the site. 

  • Items are reported after they are sent to the kitchen. 

  • Report can be run for one or more sites.

  • A selected site is required to have at least one sale between the start and end dates to appear on the report.

  • Report displays information in 24-hour time increments from the time set as the Report Start Time.

  • Check count includes start time, excludes end time.


Path: Reports > Reports 

  • Select Hourly Reporting Categories

  • Select site(s) and/or Site Groups

  • Select start and end dates for report 

  • Report will display gross sales for each reporting category by hour and by site 

    • Reporting categories are shown in alphabetical order

      • Each reporting category can be expanded or collapsed (default: all categories expanded) 

    • Sites are shown in alphabetical order 

    • Hours represent a union set of the store hours of all sites with sales. (Example: The union of the sets {1, 2, 3} and {2, 3, 4} is {1, 2, 3, 4}This avoids duplication of hours in the report.) 

  • Report cannot be filtered, sorted or grouped

  • Report can be exported in Excel and PDF formats (CSV export not available)