Adjustments Report (Sales)

Adjustments are shown by selected site(s), site group(s) and business date selected. Adjustment types included on the report are comps, discounts, refunds, tax-exempt transactions and voids. 

The name of the approving manager is also reported. Click the check number to show the check in receipt format. 

  • Expanded view: Default view shows adjustments in expanded format. Each column can be filtered to show a subset of records. 

Check # Check number (If multiple adjustments were made to a check, the check number will appear in each adjustment section) 
Business Start/End Date 

Select start and end dates for date range of report

  • Default: current date
  • Select date from calendar tool or enter date
Business DateBusiness date of transaction
TXN Date/TimeDate and time the adjustment was applied to the transaction
Site(s)Site that 
Ordered ByName of person who entered the order (session owner)
ManagerName of manager who applied adjustment
ItemMenu item adjustment was applied to
ReasonReason for adjustment 
MemoAny additional comment entered for adjustment
BarcodeBarcode of item if applicable
PriceOriginal item price
Adj AmountAmount of adjustment
Export Report 

Save file as CSV format

Type of AdjustmentAdjustment that was utilized. Will have drop-downs and separated if more than one adjustment applied.

Check Reprint

  • Click the check number to show the check in receipt format. 
    • Check can be exported to PDF format