Checks & Payments

The Checks & Payments report provides a list of all checks for selected site(s) within a specified business date range. Each can be expanded for detailed payment information (from the payment listing report) directly below the check.

(Note: As of 10/03/19, the expand/collapse function is not available. See OE-13025.) 


Site(s), and/or Site Group(s) and Business Date 

Select site(s), and/or site group(s) and set business date range for report 
2Date Business date for record shown 
3Check # Check number
4Area Site Area where check was finalized
5Location  Location number or Table number where check was finalized
6OwnerOwner of check (Also referred to as session owner) 
7Item Sales Total item sales on check
8Adjustments Adjustments (voids, comps, discounts) applied to check
9NR Sales Non-revenue sales
10NR Adjustments Non-revenue adjustments
11Gratuities Gratuities applied to check
12Tax Tax applied to check
13Total Revenue Total revenue applied to check
14CC Credit card payment amount 
15GC Gift card payment amount 
16Alt Alternate payment amount 
17Cash Cash amount
18Deposit Deposit amount
19CC Tips Credit card tips applied to check
20GC TipsGift card tips applied to check
21Alt Tips Alternate payment tips applied to check

Trans Type 

Check transaction type: sales, misc item sales, non-revenue, deposit, etc. (type of menu item when created)

Member Name 

Name of loyalty account member



Phone number of loyalty account member 
25Site NameName of the site
26Export Report 

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