MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE (Bluetooth) mobile Credit Card Reader - Set up and Use


NorthStar Order Entry stopped supporting the MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE device, after version 4.8.

This change was necessary to continue to support newer features and better payment device options. Use of PAX or VX805 will allow for the manually entry of Credit Card numbers. The MagTek iDynamo 6 card reader offers swipe, insert and contactless tap options. Please see:
Contactless payment - iDynamo 6

NS OE EMV Card Processing FAQ

The MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE is a mobile EMV and Secure Magstripe PIN Entry Device.

This document describes how to set up and use the BLE Magtek credit card reader as an external payment option.

Processors that can utilize this device: 

OpenEdge - Yes

Mercury - Yes

(Note: Sites with OpenEdge use this device regularly since OpenEdge does not support VX805s) 


  • Devices required: 
    • iPad mini or iPad 3 and above
    • MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE Magtek Card Reader 
  • Keep devices fully charged: BLE MagTek readers require a charge to hold the firmware. The unit will no longer work if the battery is completely drained. Devices should be charged each night. (Replacements may be billed.)
  • Bluetooth: No other Bluetooth device can be connected to the iPad device.

Set up the BLE MagTek card reader

From the payment screen, tap Credit Card in the payment option bar.

Tap Use External Card Reader.

f not already on, switch on the MagTek card reader device.

If not already on, switch on Bluetooth on the iPad.

Tap Find Device in the dialogue box on the iPad.


A dialogue box will pop up with the serial number of the MagTek reader (or readers, if you have multiple connected).

Select the serial number shown on the back of the reader.

In the Bluetooth Pairing Request window, enter code: 000000 (six zeros).
This code is true for every MagTek reader.

When the device is paired, the dialogue box in the iPad will
display a green screen.

Take payment with the BLE MagTek Card Reader

In the payment screen, tap Use External Card Reader.
On the paired device, the dialogue box will show two options:
Begin Swipe or Manual Entry

Either swipe or input the card data and wait for the dialogue box to clear.
On the payment screen, tap Apply Payment.

A blue processing bar will appear at the top of the screen.
When the payment has processed, Finalize (red button) will appear.
Tap Finalize to finalize the check