Fresh KDS

Fresh KDS is a cloud kitchen system from Fresh Technology. Please contact your NorthStar representative. 

Fresh KDS Account

With a new Fresh KDS Account

  • Login using your credentials.

  • From the home page click Settings > Integration tokens

  • Generate a new token by clicking  + Create Token, enter a Token Description and Create Token again 

  • This will generate a token value that will need to be copied into ECM > Site > Kitchen > Configure Fresh KDS 

  • Configure the Fresh KDS Locations (these are the equivalent of NSOE ECM Sites) with Fresh KDS Devices (in ECM this would be the Site > Areas > Kitchen > Locations), here is a quick video on getting started with locations: 
    YouTube - How to Add a New Location and Subscription to Fresh KDS

  • Please see Reference at the bottom for additional information on Fresh KDS.

NorthStar ECM Settings

In ECM, configure the device on the site's kitchen page then configure print routing for the menu items to route to Fresh KDS.

  • Site > Kitchen tab - Select the Kitchen Management Engine

    • Fresh KDS is listed as an option in the dropdown list. 

    • Configure Fresh KDS button will display when Fresh KDS is selected 

  • Click Configure Fresh KDS

  • Follow instructions on the page to:

    • Fill in the Fresh KDS Authentication Token and click Authenticate

    • Select the Fresh KDS configured location site from the dropdown and Pair


    • To map an ECM Kitchen Locations to configured Fresh KDS Devices click Refresh List

      • Select an ECM kitchen location (left-side in the grid). 

      • Select a Fresh KDS Device from the dropdown list on the right-side. Order items will be routed from the selected location to the selected Fresh KDS device. 


    • Click Refresh list to update the list of available Fresh KDS devices.

    • Click Save when completed

For a new NorthStar kitchen location, that has been setup through Fresh KDS:

  • Within ECM, on the site's Areas:

  • Go to Locations tab and Add Location that will route orders to a Fresh KDS device. 

    • Set Location type: Kitchen 

    • Set Output Type: Video

    • Enter a Location Name and Location Description 

  • Route to Fresh KDS device: Select the Fresh KDS device (configured in Fresh Tools) that orders will be routed to from this location.  (Default: None) 

  • Click Refresh list to update the list of available Fresh KDS devices. (Changes cannot be made to the location screen while update is in progress.) 

  • Products > Menu items

    • Route the menu items to a kitchen device. NSOE sends orders to the Fresh KDS system based on the print routing setting of each menu item. 

  • Deploy the site.

  • To update the iPad with the new deployment, force a data load or finalize a check on the iPad.


Please contact the following resources for support:




Fresh KDS Quick Guide: Fresh KDS Quick Start Guide with NorthStar

Some FAQs: