NorthStar QSR Kitchen Connector

NorthStar QSR Kitchen Connector

(Latest version from 4.9.4)

Integration with QSR Automations' ConnectSmart Kitchen requires a program called NorthStar QSR Kitchen Connector to be installed on the QSR Kitchen server.




Order Entry server

Installed software:

  • NorthStar Order Entry

QSR Kitchen server

Installed Windows components:

  • Message Queuing (MSMQ)

Installed software:

  • QSR ConnectSmart Kitchen

MSMQ is used to transport data from the Order Entry server to the QSR Kitchen server, so MSMQ must be accessible across the network. See Microsoft KB178517 for details about ports used by MSMQ.

QSR Kitchen Connector installation

  1. Run the NorthStar QSR Kitchen Connector installation package on the QSR server.

  2. Edit the file ConnectSmartNetwork.xml. Replace the body of the <IpAddress> element with the QSR server's IP address. This file is located in one of these two paths:

    1. 32-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\Custom Business Solutions\NorthStar QSR Kcitchen Connector\ConnectSmartNetwork.xml

    2. 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Custom Business Solutions\NorthStar QSR Kitchen Connector\ConnectSmartNetwork.xml

ECM Configuration

  1. Log into ECM and click the edit button next to the site.

  2. Click the Kitchen tab.

  3. Set the Kitchen Management Engine to QSR.

  4. Make sure that the QSR Kitchen Adapter is set to the IP address of the QSR server.

  5. Set all other settings as desired.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Deploy the site.


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