How to set up Jukebox

How to set up Jukebox

This article describes how to configure Jukebox with Order Entry. OE Jukebox is an iJukebox integration. To use Jukebox users must sign up with an account with iJukebox

The purpose of the Jukebox is to allow restaurants to offer music song purchases as part of the restaurant experience. Jukebox is available in the Staff UI and in Guest UI for customers to purchase songs through the Order Entry system. Once a song is purchased it will be queued up and played in the order it was purchased. Before continuing with this article please refer to technical prerequisites in Jukebox developer notes . Once the prerequisites are met perform the following steps:

Step 1: Setup a Menu Item for Jukebox. This can be created just like a regular menu item. 

Step 2: Enable Jukebox from Site Settings in your ecm.cbsnorthstar.com account

Step 3: Insert iJukebox Host ID and API Key that was given by iJukebox

Step 4: Select Jukebox menu item in Jukebox Account Setting:

Step 5: When you sign up with iJukebox they will provide you with a URL to configure your song lists. Please work with iJukebox to make sure they have the playlists you want and show you how to enable the playlists on their end. Typically this is done through their website with your account login. 

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