Delivery Orders

Delivery Orders


The Delivery Orders feature is used to locate checks created as a delivery order. This includes active and closed checks. Allowable actions on the checks depend on their state and the day: 

  • Active checks: can open and make adjustments to the open check before payment and finalization. Unlike an open check, active checks are not attached to a location unless the check is opened on a location. Active checks can be assign to a driver by using the dispatch feature.

  • Closed checks - Current business day: can be reopened in order to make changes and corrections to the check

  • Closed check - Previous business day: can be reopened (read-only) only to reprint or refund the check


To open the Delivery Orders feature:

  • Attach to a table

  • Swipe to the Location Menu 

  • Tap Delivery Orders to open the Delivery Orders pop-up

By default, Delivery Orders opens to display any checks that meet the following criteria:

  • From: Start of Day

  • To: End of Day

The search options can be changed to search for a closed check within the last 90 days. Click the From or To link to open the date-and-time selector. Tap Done, then Search to refresh the search criteria and display the new search results. 


An in-depth look at searching for checks can be found at Check search - archive

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Order Type: Delivery

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