Daily Sales Report (App)

Daily Sales Report (App)


The Daily Sales Report provides information related to revenue and financials for a site.

  • A daily sales report (DSR) can be run for a single date or a date range.

  • A DSR can be run for the entire house or filtered by user, location or area or drawer.  

  • Sales can appear on this report prior to items being sent to the kitchen.

  • Reports can be printed to any system printer. 

  • Report differences:

    • DSR data is collected at the end of day or when a cashout is performed.

    • Sales summary data gathers up all the checks in ECM that are sent when transactions are done. (Real time reporting instead of end-of-day.) 

    • R365 pulls data from the sales summary not the DSR.

Daily Sales Report Information

  • To run the report, select a date range, select any filters (if desired) and tap Run Report 

  • Tap the printer icon to print the report 

Sales Summary

  • Includes Gross Sales, Adjustments, Net Sales (gross minus adjustments), tax information and expected revenue.

Tender Summary

  • Includes sales by type of tender, cash deposit expected and other labor and guest count sales information

  • Can include payments, tips, refunds, credit card charges, gift cards redeemed, tips and gratuities

  • Gift Card Issued is the value for gift card reload and gift card open value

  • N/R Sales are all non-revenue sales, such as open donation

  • Tax Forgiven (Exempt) are tax-exempt sales 

Labor Summary

  • Includes labor and guest count information by sold items, advance orders and total

  • Labor % is the percentage of the total labor cost divided by the net sales

  • Total Labor $ is the sum of all wages paid to employees, as well as the cost of employee benefits and payroll taxes paid by an employer

Counts/Net Sales

  • Includes check, cover, guest and no sales counts and the net sales per each type

  • Labor Category includes sales per labor category and the sales percentage contributed per category

  • Revenue Sales includes sales by revenue category, including quantity, net sales, gross sales and the percentage contributed by each revenue category


  • Voids are automatically netted from gross sales

  • Includes quantities and dollar amount for comps and discounts


  • Includes quantities, payment amounts and refund amounts for each type of tender


  • Includes amounts paid in and amounts paid out 

  • Includes paid out/pain in reasons 

Payment Details

  • Includes check numbers, server and total for each check

  • Grouped by tender type

  • Non-cash payments include tip amounts 

Filter by User or Team

  • To filter the DSR by a user or team, tap the person icon to display a list of valid options 

Filter by Area or by Location

  • To filter the DSR by area or location, tap the table icon to display a list of valid options 

Filter by cash drawer 

  • To filter the DSR by cash drawer, tap the cash drawer icon to display a list of valid options 

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