Edit Settings

Edit Settings

After selecting the Edit Settings button on the Cashier Menu the user is presented with a Site Manager popup. On this popup. several functions are available:

  • Site Name and connection status is displayed, along with the Device Name

  • the user may change the Site Address, Port, Socket Port

  • Force Data Load - toggle to reload application configuration/data the next time the app is started

  • New Time Clock - toggle for a different interface for viewing and editing time records

  • Force Offline Transactions - if using Magensa - MagTek credit card readers, when enabled this allows force approval of transactions instead of waiting for a timeout of Magensa when offline, it must be disabled to return to normal online verification of the payment transaction. This is only available for Magensa processor with Magtek payment devices (eDynamo, iDynamo6) .

  • The box up arrow icon, in the lower left of the popup, will have troubleshooting/Support options.

  • Close App - close out of Order Entry app

  • Select Save Settings & Exit button to save and close the application, so it can be restarted.

    • If changes made to ECM have deployed successfully and the iPad has not yet received updates a user may turn on Force Data Load and select Save Settings & Exit to close and load all changes next time the app is opened. (This may also be done on the system messages screen)

When Force Offline Transactions is enabled, this setting processes all Magensa/MagTek transactions offline until it is disabled. There is inherent risk in taking transactions offline, as they may be declined by the processor if the card is over the limit, deactivated, damaged, or fraudulent.