Edit Serving Option Category
To edit a serving option category, click the edit (pencil) icon next to the serving option category on the Serving Option Categories page.
In editing mode, there are four tabs for additional configuration.
The General tab shows the information entered when the serving option category was added. Make any changes as needed.
Serving Option Display Order
The serving options in the serving option category are listed.
Drag and drop serving options to arrange them in the order to appear on the menu item customization page in the app
Select Sort alphabetically (A-Z) to arrange serving options in alphabetical order
Media (photos, images) can be added to serving option category configurations to be displayed on the application.
Images can be shown in three types/sizes in the application. One image can be used for all three image types or a different image for each size.
Default - Shown on the ordering menu
Splash - Shown on the menu item detail view
Thumbnail - Shown on the check panel when ordered in guest-facing mode
Click Change Image to open the media selection page
Select an image from the media library or click Add Media to add a new image (See Media)
Click Associate Selection to associate media image with the component category
On the Localizations page, the site can add translations and configure specific text to be displayed in another language in guest-facing mode. (Languages are added on the Languages page under Sites in ECM. See Languages.)
Add a new record
Click Add new record. This opens the language text field for inline editing. Select language, enter the name to be used in the language selected and enter a description.
Click Save changes.
Edit an existing record
Click the language name and select a language from the dropdown. Click in the Name and Description fields to edit inline.
Click Save changes.