Training Mode

Training Mode


For staff training, managers can set specific staff members into Training Mode. In training mode, staff members can learn how to use NorthStar Order Entry in their restaurant operations without impacting the restaurant's live business. This means that no actual sales will be recorded when the server is in Training Mode. In order to set a user in training mode, a user must have the job permission set in ECM.

Training location access

Staff members who are in training mode can only access locations that are set up specifically as training mode locations; they are restricted from accessing other locations. Likewise, the training mode locations are restricted to only users in training mode; non-training users cannot access these locations. 

Users in training are able to take orders, complete transactions, do check searches and other normal restaurant activities. Their payment device clearly indicates that their transactions are for training purposes. Managers can monitor their activity while giving new staff members a safe, hands-on experience.


To set up locations to be used for training only:

  • Log in to Enterprise Content Management.

  • Add a new location or edit an existing location for training.

  • Select For Training Only.


To set (enlist) a staff member in training mode:

  • Tap Training Mode on the Cashier Menu.


  • In the Enlist Staff in Training pop-up window, tap the staff member's name to select. (More than one member can be selected.)

    • If a staff member has a check mark next to their name, they are already in training mode. 

  • Tap Done when finished.


The Location Manager will be masked (see below) when the user is in training mode; the user will be unable to access any locations that are not designated For Training Only


  • The ordering screens will display an overlay with a green "Training" watermark to indicate the user is in training mode.

    • Please note that the overlay does not appear on the Payment screen (by design). 


  • When an item is ordered, a bar indicator is shown at left. (Seen in red here.) 

  • When the item is "sent to the kitchen," the indicator will remain red because the user is in training mode and the item isn't actually sent to the kitchen. When not in training mode, the indicator turns green when sent to the kitchen.  

Checks, receipts, kitchen chits: 

Printed receipts will show "TRAINING" on the top and bottom and a "DO NOT PAY" watermark. 

In training mode, orders are not sent to the kitchen and do not print kitchen chits or appear on the kitchen display.



Related Articles:

Receipts - archive

Cashier Menu - archive


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