Combo Menu Item - Site Availability


A menu item can be made active or inactive on individual sites. If inactive, the menu item will not appear at the specified site. It will still appear in ECM at the site level but marked as inactive. 

A menu item can be marked Exclude. When it is excluded from a site, the item cannot be seen in ECM at the site level and will not appear on the app at the specified site. 


There are several ways to configure a menu item at the site level: 

Setting ECMApp 


Can be seen in ECM for a specified site

Marked Active

Appears on the app

Can be ordered 

Not Active

Can be seen in ECM for a specified site

Not marked Active 

Does not appear on the app

Cannot be ordered 

ExcludeCannot be seen in ECM for a specified site

Does not appear on the app

Cannot be ordered 


An account can have an item available for purchase at specific sites and not available at other specific sites.

To make the item active at the site level on the Site Availability page:

  • Select the Active checkbox for the desired site(s)
  • Click Save Changes for the site availability page, then click Save at the bottom of the page to save the change for the menu item

Verify the site setting

  • On the Menu Items page, select the site and then edit the menu item 

  • The item will be marked Active at the site-level view and will be available for purchase on the app 

Not Active

  • If the menu item is not marked Active at the site level, it will continue to appear in the list of menu items for the site on the menu items page
  • When the menu item is selected at the site level, it will show as not active

  • To reset the item to inherit the global setting, click Reset
    • Item takes the global setting and displays (Inherited) to indicate it is using the global, not the site-specific, setting 


When a menu item is marked Exclude from a site or sites, the menu item can no longer be seen in ECM at the site level and is unavailable for purchase at the specified sites. (It can still be seen globally.)

Excluding items from a site can be useful when a site has a number of inactive items. The inactive items are excluded from the view and the user only sees the items that are active, improving speed and ease of use. 

To exclude an item on the Site Availability page:

  • Select the Exclude checkbox for the desired site(s)
  • Click Save Changes for the site availability page, then click Save at the bottom of the page to save the change for the menu item

Verify the site setting

  • On the Menu Items page, select the site; the page will refresh and the menu item will no longer appear in the list of menu items. (It is excluded.) 

  • To no longer exclude the item from the site, go to the menu item's global setting then the Site Availability tab
  • Uncheck the Exclude checkbox for the specified site
  • Click Save Changes, then click Save at the bottom of the page