Edit a Combo Menu Item


After a combo menu item has been added and saved, it can be edited to provide further details on additional tabs:

  • Qualifiers

  • Site Availability

  • Adjustment Exclusions

  • Taxes (single combo pricing only)*

  • Localization

  • Media

In addition to the tabs, the edit page also includes the following fields on the form: 





PLU/Barcode Number

A PLU/barcode can be entered in ECM at either the global or site level for a combo menu item. (To set at site level, select a site before opening the menu item.) 

Start/End Date

Start and end dates can be set for combo menu items. Use the date/time selectors to set the date and time.

The item is available to be ordered on the start date and not available after the end date.

Dates can be set at either the global or site level for a combo menu item. 

* Taxes - Single combo item 

The Taxes tab is only available when a combo menu item is priced as a single combo item. (A single price is applied to the combo; child prices are set to zero.) Tax rules are set for the single combo price. 
If a combo menu item is configured as "A discount to each item in the combo," the tax configuration is inherited from each item (each child) in the combo, so no combo tax is needed. 

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