Set up a Single-Item Promo

Set up a Single-Item Promo


To advertise, to promote, to sell a single menu item to a sale on Guest UI and Kiosk.  


How This Feature Works:

When a Menu Item has been added to the order, a Promotional Screen will pop open at the bottom of the screen. This occurs whether or not it has been ordered through the Order button or through the Add to My Order button in the Customize screen. This Promotional Screen is the advertising, promoting, and selling of one specific item.



To Promote a Featured Item

To Add on Side Items to Entrees

To Create a Combo (As a Work Around)

To Promote Holiday Items




Steps To Create a Single Item Promo:

In ECM, select the Products tab from the selection of tabs.




Next, select the Promotional Items tab from the drop-down selections.




Once the Promotional Items page is displayed, select the Add Promo Item tab on the left hand side to create a brand new promo item.




From here, there are a few guidelines that must be followed. Note each color and its corresponding requirements. Fill in the corresponding answers for each section.  Each section must be entered in for the promo to be functional.




Red – This notes the name the user is referring to the promo being offered/featured or what the user would like the promotion to display on the iPad.

Yellow – This notes the Starting and Ending Dates that the single menu item will run.

Green – This notes the single menu item’s description being offered/featured.

Blue – This notes the Starting and Ending Times that the single menu item will run.



The next section below the Description asks When should the promo be displayed? From the drop down, Item Added is displayed with many other different promotions. Item Added is considered the time in which after either the Order button or the Add to my Order button is selected.




After selecting Item Added, there are two different drop downs that need selection. The first is Menu Item Category. The Menu Item Category describes which category the user would like the promotion to pop up after. There can be multiple categories selected in which the promotion can run through. The second drop down features the Menu Item in the Menu Item Category in which the promotion would feature. This allows for different individual promotions to run in one Menu Item Category while allowing each Menu Item in that category to be independent running promotions. Once the Menu Item is selected, click the Add button to create the promo. Repeat for any additional menu items that the promotion will need to display. The menu item(s) selected should be displayed in the empty box above the Add and Remove buttons.




The next selection is the Promo Type. Under this drop down box, for a single item to be promoted, the Menu Item tab is selected.




After selecting the Menu Item tab underneath Promo Type, there are two items that must be selected using the scroll down for the Single Item Promo to be activated. Like the two items to the left, the same boxes appear on the right. These boxes to the right are NOT for the same reasons as the left.

The Menu Item Category on the box to the right, refers to the category in which the menu item the user wishes to use for the promo lies. The Menu Item to the right is the actual item the user wishes to feature for the promo.

Note: The Menu Item Category in which the Promo Item is chosen from MUST be available on the iPad for the guest to use during the time in which the Promo will run.




To give the user a better understanding, the following example will be used:

Sandee’s Snack Shack would like to advertise their new menu side item “Garlic Cheese Tater Tots.” They would like the item to pop up after ordering any of the Burger Entrées to be used as an Add On to ordering a burger. Sandee’s would like their side item to run ONLY during the fall, all day, as it is a promotional Limited Time Offering.



Here is how to configure and reflect the desired Single Item Promo:                                       

Name: How about some Garlic Cheese Tater Tots to go along with that Burger?

Description: Try our new Tater Tots smothered with three different types of velvety cheese, topped off with chopped garlic. Get them while they last!

Start Date: September 21, 2013 (Available only in Fall)

End Date: December 20, 2013 (Available only in Fall)

Start Time: 12:00 AM

End Time: 12:00 AM



Here is what the configured Promo Item should look like.



Note: As a reminder, do not forget to press Save, as this feature will not work without it. To check the configuration, publish the site. Also, do not forget to add in the media to the item.



Here is what the end result will look like on the iPad:

Note: Sourdough Burger will be the example as it was a burger that the promo should be featured after.


Select > Sourdough Burger




Select > Order, to add the Sourdough Burger to the order.



Once the burger has been ordered, the Single Item Promo, in this case the Garlic Cheese Tater Tots will display as follows:




The customer is then prompted to select Order or No, thanks. Keep in mind though, that by ordering the promotional single item, it will be thought of as another Menu Item and not as an attached item to the previous menu item ordered.

Notice under the My Order selection that two menu items will be displayed: one for the Sourdough Burger and the other for the Garlic Cheese Tater Tots.





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