Set up a Combo

Set up a Combo

This article describes how to set up a combo in ECM. After completion, deploy to the site. 

For a detailed explanation of how to ring up a combo on an iPad, please read "How to ring up a Combo."



  1. Navigate to the Menu Items tab and select the Menu Items button.

  2. Press the Add Menu Item button to create a new combo.

  3. Select Combo as your menu item type.

  4. Enter a name and description for the combo. Select discounted price (applies a discount to the items) or prevailing price (sets a new total cost for the combined items) and enter an amount. Select the appropriate sales category and click Save and Edit.

  5. Navigate to the Qualifiers tab and press the Add Qualifier button.

  6. Enter a name for the qualifier (Ex. One Drink) and select the required quantity needed for the combo.

  7. Select the Edit button to attach a menu item or a menu item category to the qualifier.

  8. Navigate to the Menu Items tab and choose a menu item category from the drop down list. Flag an item to attach it to this qualifier. Additionally, you may select a menu item category from the Menu Item Categories tab so that any items within that category may be applicable to this combo. Press save when ready to continue.

  9. Now that the combo is created navigate to the Sites page and deploy the changes to your site.

  10. Flag the site to add the combo to and press the Deploy Sites button.

  11. Insert a comment for the deployed changes, flag Automatically Deploy to iPads and press Publish.


Steps to Create a Combo:

1. Navigate to the Menu Items tab and select the Menu Items button.









2. Press the Add Menu Item button to create a new combo.














3. A prompt will ask which type of menu item to create. Select Combo as your menu item type.









4. Enter a name and description for the combo. Select discounted price (applies a discount to the items) or prevailing price (sets a new total cost for the combined items) and enter an amount. Select the appropriate sales category and click Save and Edit.








5. Navigate to the Qualifiers tab and pressAdd Qualifier.
















6. Enter a name for the qualifier (e.g., One Drink) and select the required quantity needed for the combo.









7. Now that we have created a qualifier, select the Edit button to attach a menu item or a menu item category to that qualifier.


















8. Navigate to the Menu Items tab and choose a menu item category from the drop down list. Flag an item to attach it to this qualifier. Additionally, you may select a menu item category from the Menu Item Categories tab so that any items within that category may be applicable to this combo. Press save when ready to continue.






















Create a second qualifier and attach another menu item to the combo.





















We now have two qualifiers that must be on our check in order for our "Burger Combo" to apply. Because we selected the items "Classic Burger" and "Coke (12oz)", those items must be present on a check for the Burger Combo to be available. Press Save to continue.

















9. Now that the "Burger Combo" is created navigate to the Sites page and deploy the changes to your site.















12. Flag the site to add the combo to and press Deploy Sites.














13. Insert a comment for the deployed changes, flag Automatically Deploy to iPads and press Publish.












Related Articles

Combo Setup Definitions and Combo Reporting

Add a Menu Item - Combo - Edit a Combo - archive




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