Combo Setup Definitions and Combo Reporting

Combo Setup Definitions and Combo Reporting

The reports are determined by the way the combo is set up. 

  • Single Item Combo - This reports whatever the sales category is set for that combo setup. 

  • A discount to each item in the combo - Each item in that combo will report to their respective set sales category.  




#1: Combo Type

  • Prevailing Price - This is in conjunction with #2. You are designating that no matter what items are qualified for this combo setup, it will always come to a check total set in #2. 

  • Reduced Price - This is also in conjunction with #2. All qualified items will be adjusted the dollar amount (plus or minus) set in #2. 

#2: Price of combo determined by Prevailing or Reduced Price from #1.


#3: The combo is priced as

Single Item Combo


    • #1 Prevailing Price - All individual items in this combo will be set to $0.00; the combo price is the amount set for prevailing price in #2.
      (All items will report to sales category set in #5)

    • #1 Reduced Price - The combo price is the sum of the individual menu items minus the amount of #2 (percentage). All items in the combo are then set to $0.00.
      (All items will report to sales category set in #5)


A discount to each item in the combo


    • #1 Prevailing Price - All items in the combo will be adjusted (plus or minus their menu item prices) to total the prevailing set price in #2.
      (All items will report to their respective sales categories set within each menu Item qualified for the combo)

    • #1 Reduced Price - All items in the combo will be reduced by the total amount set price in #2 for their menu item prices.  
      (All items will report to their respective sales categories set within each menu item qualified for the combo)


#5: Sales Category for Combo

 #6: Entree Count - This is the cover count amount for this combo. 


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