4.9.2 (4.9.11736) Server Release Notes

Release date: February 22, 2023

1. New Features & Improvements

  • N/A

2. Fixes


  • Incorrect negative balance no longer displays when voiding out auto combos - caused a balance to remain on a check with inability to finalize.

NorthStar 3rd Party Delivery (3PD)

  • Tax calculated amount from 3PD is accepted as is and not re-calculated.


  • Removing an adjustment from a check no longer causes the same order to print to the kitchen.


  • Tips are now correctly applied when sent to Magensa-Tsys payment processor.


  • Able to run tabs and pre-auth when set to Shift4 processor for PAX.


  • Multiples of the same menu items display different item numbers when “Consolidate Like Items” selection is not set.

  • QSR kitchen screen ticket displays full item memo and no longer cuts text prematurely.

  • Drive-Thru mode no longer sends a New Course function for each item sent.

  • Adding membership information to check updates CustomerName field for QSR.

  • Background functionality.


  • App DSR/Cashout properly calculates and consistently displays correct cash owed to house total.


3. Release Report