Reports - ECM

Reports - ECM

In ECM, a variety of helpful reports provide detailed information important to the business, including sales reports, product reports and employee reports. 

  • Options include the ability to run reports for one of more sites and for specified business date ranges.

  • Real-time transactional data updates:

    • Accounts can elect to expose transactional data (send, submit, print, pay, finalize, refund check) in real time in the data service, which can then be viewed on reports. (Account-level feature toggle; contact your CBS rep to have this set if desired.

  • Report differences:

    • DSR data is collected at the end of day or when a house cashout is run.

    • Sales summary data gathers up all the checks in ECM that are sent when transactions are done.

    • R365 pulls data from the sales summary not the DSR data.

  • A user must have permission set to access specific reports. This is set in ECM Dashboard > Users > Roles > ECM Access

    • The reports that a user does not have permission to access will be hidden. If the user does not have permission to view ANY reports, a message will be shown: Permission required to access reports. 

To access the ECM reports, select Reports from the Reports tab drop-down. 


When the reports page loads, it defaults to display the Sales Summary Report for the current date. 

A list of available reports is shown in the left-side page navigation. Reports are grouped by report type (Sales, Products, etc.). 


Report Descriptions 

Reports are grouped by type of report: sales reports, product reports and employee reports.  

Sales Reports


Sales Reports


Sales Summary 

Sales summary report of accumulated totals by site for a specified business date range

Hourly Sales & Labor *BETA

Net Sales and Labor costs by day, Sunday through Saturday for  selected week 

Check Listing

Detailed information on guest checks; includes ability to view an individual check reproduction

Payment Listing

Payments for selected sites within a specified business date range 

Payment By Type

Payment types on finalized checks (i.e., cash, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, etc.) for the selected site(s) within a specified business date range

Checks & Payments

Detailed payment information on guest checks for selected site(s) within a specified business date rage

Daily Sales Report

Daily Sales report of reporting categories, payments, deposits, adjustments, refunds, tip share, check count, area sales, tax detail, paidouts and sales summary. Can run report for entire house or by drawer. 

DSR Multi-site

Simplified daily sales report showing gross sales, comps/disc and net sales. Multi-sites selection. 

Server Sales and Tips 

The Server Sales and Tips report provides sales and tips information by employee..

Hourly Reporting Categories

Sales by hour for each reporting category. Multi-site selection.

Check Count by Hour

Number of checks created per hour. Multi-site selection.


Adjustments applied by type for selected sites within specified business date range.

Combo Sales

Total combo items sold within specified range.

Tax By Sales

Displays total sales that are being taxed for each tax category.

Product Reports


Items Summary

Menu item sales summary by sales category; selected by site(s) and specified business date range 

Items Summary Enhanced

Menu item sales summary with detailed financial information per item sold; selected by site(s) and specified business date range 

Non - Taxable Item Summary

Shows all items sold that have not had tax applied for a specific range.

Component Sales

Total quantity and prices of individual components sold by category for selected site(s) and specified business date range

Item Component Mix Sales

Total quantity, net sales and percentages of items and components sold for selected sites within specified business date range. 

Component Listing 

All components sorted by component name; selection options include All, Active or Inactive 

Menu Item Pricing

Alphabetical list of all menu items with base and menu pricing 

Item Sales by User

Collapsed view shows net sales and percentage of total sales by user; expanded view details each item sold with quantity, net sales and percentage.

Item Sales by Hour

Line graph that displays items sold throughout the day.

Serving Options Sales

All Serving Options items sold will be displayed here via filter.

Item Serving Option Mix Sales

Shows serving options sold and what items those serving options were assigned to when sold.

Employee Reports


Time Records 

Employee hours, wages, tips and sales information

Time Record Details

Employee exact punches, hours, wages, sales, and tips information.

Time Records Adjustments

Adjustments made to time records by employee; expanded view shows details of adjustments made 


Employee cashout reports by person for specified business date range. Multi-site selection. 

Payroll Summary

Summary of employee time records, hours worked, wages, pay rates, tips and net sales for the specified business date range. Multi-site selection. 

Labor Summary 

The Labor Summary report is similar to the Payroll Summary report minus wage information. 

Labor Summary by Job

Summary of total hours and total wages per job for the specified business date range. Multi-site selection.  

Tip Distribution 

The Tip Distribution report is similar to the Payroll Summary report with additional calculations for Declared Tips and Calculated Tips. 



Users Information

Alphabetical list of all users/employees for a specified site or sites 

Check Audit Log

Reports actions taken (items added, payment, adjustment, etc.) on each check for a specified business date range. Multi-site selection. 

Member List 

Displays membership accounts

Paid Outs

Money taken from store.

Bank Drops

Money added to store.


Paidouts shown by person for selected sites within specified business date range. 


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