External Card Reader

External Card Reader


For cases where a payment card could not be swiped due to magnetic strip damage, an external card reader is required to manually enter the payment information.

MagTek iPAD

TODO: Finish this section 

MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE

If no MagTek iPad was detected, the App will attempt to connect to a MagTek DynaPro Mini BLE device. Before proceeding, please be sure to:

  • Enable Bluetooth in the iPad's Settings App

  • Power on your device (for best results, power off other DynaPro Minis in the area that are not being used). 

The App will attempt to connect to any DynaPros that were previously attached. If a device was found, the logo on the iPad App will turn green and functional buttons will appear.
If devices were not found, the iPad App will attempt to connect to a new device. If automatic searching fails, tap the Find Device button to start over.

When prompted, select the device corresponding to your DynaPro that you would like to use.
Note: Check the back of your device to find the matching serial number.

Once selected, if not previously attached, the iPad App will ask for code to pair the device. Please enter:


If the device was successfully paired, the status screen on the iPad App will turn green and there will be two options on the screen: Begin Swipe and Manual Entry.

Once Begin Swipe or Manual Entry is tapped, a loud beep will sound and the user will have 60 seconds to swipe or enter appropriate payment information on the DynaPro.
If time expires or the user presses cancel on the DynaPro, the view will be reset to the beginning.


Once valid payment information has been collected, the External Card Reader view will close and the Payment View will be shown with appropriate payment information.



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