Changing the NTP Server

Changing the NTP Server

NorthStar Order Entry uses NTP (Network Time Protocol) to determine if the system's clock has drifted. This is only for monitoring. NorthStar Order Entry does not change the system clock.

If an NTP server cannot be reached a RED critical error will be shown for Order Entry in ECM's World View

The default NTP server is:

  • time.nist.gov

  • UDP port 123

We recommend allowing this through your firewall. However, if you cannot allow this through your firewall, you must provide your own NTP server. Add the following line to Order Entry's settings.config file:

C:\Program Files\Custom Business Solutions\NorthStar Order Entry\settings.config
<add key="Ntp.Host" value="your-time-server-here" />

After adding this line, restart the NorthStar Order Entry service.