ECM - Client Release Notes 2018-12-17

ECM - Client Release Notes 2018-12-17

ECM Release

Current ECM update release information





December 17, 2018

Added improvements and fixes to publishing, job permissions, reports, and UI and functionality.

Intended Audience

Clients using ECM for the NorthStar Order Entry point-of-sale software; both server and application.

Customer Support

For technical support and any questions regarding NorthStar and other products that are not addressed within this document:

NOTE: If your distributor provides technical support for this product, please contact them directly for support. 

1. Introduction

This document provides information about the latest updates for NorthStar for your restaurant's point-of-sale system.

To learn more about the NorthStar product:

2. Special Considerations During ECM Upgrades

NorthStar ECM upgrades occur within our cloud servers in the early morning and are not location based. In order to properly access ECM, please make sure you have a constant internet connection and firewalls to allow access to our ECM website at ecm.cbsnorthstar.com. Please refer to the NorthStar Order Entry System Requirements for information on firewall allowances and access.   

3. New Features

NOTE: These are ECM items only. In some cases, the application portion of the work will be provided in a future application release.

  • None

4. Improvements

NOTE: These are ECM items only. In some cases, the application portion of the work will be provided in a future application release. 

  • ECM Deploys - Publishing has been improved for sites and displays a better detailed configuration log of what data grid has been deployed to the site. 

  • ECM Integrations - The ECM Schedule API flag has been separated into its own tab. This needs to be flagged under the account features for visibility.  

  • ECM Jobs - Users are now unable to simultaneously flag both Tip declaration rule and permission "Can clock out without cashout (user not required to cashout before clock out)" under job permissions. An alert message will display this error. 

5. Fixes

  • ECM Menu Item Categories - Users are no longer able to save the same external code number for different menu item categories.

  • Reports - Check Listing Report allows you to properly save it as a PDF format.

6. Technical Release Notes and NorthStar User Guide

ECM technical release notes for the current release and the NorthStar User Guide: