Customer Display Units (CDU) Installation

Customer Display Units (CDU) Installation

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before installing the Customer Display Unit, the site should already have the Lantronix Serial to IP server installed. Directions on how to install that piece of equipment can be found here-> Installing a Lantronix Serial-to-Ethernet Device

Installation steps: 

  • Unpack and assemble the the unit.

  • The unit should look like this once assembled.

  • Open the back rubber part of the CDU with a pair of tweezers and adjust the DIP switches accordingly.
    #5 and #7 need to be put in the UP position. All other switches need to be DOWN

  • Next, connect the serial cable from the CDU to one of the ports on the Lantronix box. 

  • Verify the COM Port that you've assigned for this CDU and update in the ECM Peripherals as needed.

  • Assign the CDU to a device peripheral in ECM.

  • Once all of this is completed, run a DEPLOY to the site. The Customer Display Unit you've attached to the POS terminal (iPad or other tablet) will send orders to it.