ECM Deployments (Publish)

ECM Deployments (Publish)


Changes made in ECM must be deployed to the site's local server for the changes to take effect at the site level. There are three types of deployments that can be made, depending on the type of information being updated. 


Deployment Type


Deployment method

Deployment Type


Deployment method

Site deployment

Sends changes to menu, hardware and global settings from ECM to the site's local server, such as menu items, devices, printer routing changes, etc. 

  • Go to Sites. Select a site or sites.

  • Select the site(s) to be deployed. Select Deploy Site(s).

  • Add a useful comment. 

  • By default, the first option is selected to automatically deploy to iPads.

  • Click Publish.

User deployment

Sends changes to employee information from ECM to the site's local server, such as users, job permissions, key codes, area access, etc. 

  • Go to Users.

  • Select a site or sites or use the search field to find a user or users. 

  • Select the Deploy checkbox for the user(s).

  • Click Deploy users.

  • To select all users at a site or sites, select the Deploy checkbox at the top of the column. 

Media deployment

Sends changes to the media library from ECM to the site's local server, such as menu item photos, logos, receipt images, etc.  

Requires site admin permission.

Images are large files and may require additional time and server resources to deploy. 

  • Select site(s). Select Deploy Site(s).

  • Add a useful comment. 

  • Select options to automatically deploy to iPads and to deploy multimedia changes. 

  • Click Publish.

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