What's New - ECM Release 2019-12-10

ECM Release: 2019-12-10

This document summarizes the improvements in ECM 2019-12-10 release and serves as a quick reference to these items.*  For more complete information, please refer to the ticket number shown.

Features and Improvements 

Issue No. 


Check Listing/Payment by Type reports: Show owner/server name and date/time of check on check reproduction 


Path: Reports > select Check Listing report or Payment by Type report 

  • Click a linked check number; the check reproduction will pop-up
  • New: Date/Time and Owner name have been added to the check reproduction

Check Listing and Check & Payments reports: Add column to list the Session Owner of each check


Owner column added to Check Listing report and Checks & Payments report. 


Payment Listing report: Add Member Name and Phone


Two new columns added to the Payment Listing report: Member Name and Phone 


Sites page - Remove Cache Menu Data setting (no longer used)


Path: Sites and Groups > Sites > edit a Site 

Previously, Other Settings included the setting: Cache Menu Data

This has been removed as it is no longer used or needed due to other improvements. 

Menu Item Categories: Revise warning message when duplicate external code is entered 


Revised warning message shown when a duplicate external code is used for a menu item category. Previous message didn't provide sufficient information and guidance for user. 


CBS Internal: Add Wave Assignment page to Worldview, allowing sites to be grouped by wave groups for upgrades (CBS Internal only)

N/AInternal improvement for CBS release management. Allows Release Manager to group sites by wave groups and subsequently deploy upgrades in waves. 

Features in progress

The following are ECM changes for features that are still in progress and not available yet in the POS app. Only the ECM portion of the feature is complete. 


Sites/Tax Rates: Add setting to allow tax calculation at either item (default) or check level 

An optional feature toggle allows this feature to display on the Menu Item page of ECM. When toggle is set, an option is shown to allow modifications to be made to an order item in guest-facing mode. 

Account feature toggle required **

Tax calculation at the check level

The account feature toggle can be set by your CBS admin. 

Current process calculates tax at the item level and then sums the item tax totals on the check. With this improvement a new setting is added to allow the user the option to have tax calculated at the item level (current default) or at the check level.
Path: Sites and Groups > Sites > edit a site > Tax Rates 


Combo menu item: Add setting to automatically create a combo based on price level set in qualifier price rule 


Combo items can be ordered at the start of the ordering process or created at payment when the system finds items that together qualify for combo pricing. 

For loyalty reward programs, the workflow requires that a combo be created prior to it being applied as a loyalty reward (prompted when the customer loyalty icon is tapped when ordering).

Setting for auto combo: 

  • Select: Auto Combo when applicable
  • Qualifier Price Rule determines the price level required to automatically create a combo.  Select from dropdown list options: 
    • None
    • Lowest price
    • Highest price

  • Click the (question) to display the help text clarifying the Qualifier Price Rule. 

*Detailed documentation is in progress and will be available upon completion. ECM documentation: Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

**Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.