What's New - ECM Release 2019-03-20

ECM Release: 2019-03-20

This document summarizes the improvements in ECM 2019-03-12 release and serves as a quick reference to these items. For more complete information, please refer to the ticket number shown.*  


Issue No. 


Manage access to Member List report 

Previously, all users could access private customer information via the Member List report in ECM. Access has been restricted to only the Account Administrator and any user specifically selected for access. 

Confluence link: Member List

Account feature toggle required**:

ECM Access tab under Dashboard → Roles → Edit

ECM Settings:

ECM > Dashboard > Users 

  • User Type: Account Administrator - No restriction; can access Member List report 
  • User Type: Regular ECM User - Restricted access

  • To allow access for a specific role (such as Asst. Manager) where user type is Regular ECM User: 
    • Go to: ECM > Dashboard > Users > Roles 

    • Click edit icon for Role
    • Click ECM Access tab
    • Select: Allow user to run the Member List report 

  • Account administrators and roles allowed to run the Member List report can see and run the Member List report under ECM > Reports


Payment: Allow 6-digit gift card BIN range 

Improved Card Processor settings to allow 6-digit gift card BIN range

Confluence link: Payment

ECM > Sites and Groups > Sites > edit site > Payment 

  • Add or edit card processor
  • Enter Low and High values and enter "6" for # digits

  • Gift cards with 6-digit BIN range can be configured in card processor settings 

Menu Item Category: Add Adjustment Reasons Allowed setting 

On Menu Item Category page, added section to select the adjustment reasons allowed for the menu item category. 

ECM > Categories > Menu Item Categories 

  • Edit a category
  • Configuration section added: Adjustment Reasons Allowed 

  • In Order Entry, only the adjustment reasons allowed for the menu item category will be available 


Add - Adjustment Reason: Add Save and Edit command

Added Save and Edit command to Add - Adjustment Reason page. Click to save changes and open Edit - Adjustment Reason. 


  • Complete Add - Adjustment Reason; click Save and Edit

  • Changes are saved; Edit - Adjustment Reason page displays 


Add - Menu Item CategoryAdd Save and Edit command 

Added Save and Edit command to Add - Menu Item Category page. Click to save changes and open Edit - Menu Item Category . 

  • Complete Add - Menu Item Category; click Save and Edit

  • Changes are saved; Edit - Menu Item Category page displays 


Staff Facing: Add setting for payment device to prompt for phone number

In preparation for an upcoming feature, a feature toggle and ECM setting have been added to prompt for an account phone number on the payment terminal 

Account feature toggle required**:

Prompt for phone number on payment terminal 

ECM setting: 
ECM > Sites and Groups > Sites > edit site > Staff Facing

Select: Prompt for account phone number on payment terminal 

The ECM portion of this feature is complete. The application portion is to come. 

*Detailed documentation is in progress and will be available upon completion. 
**Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.